Our Story (Hajime Iwaizumi)

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Author-san you're so amazing!

OMG! I love this story so much!

A smile found its way onto my face as I scrolled through my latest batch of comments. I'm a writer. Mainly it's fanfiction, but I also do articles for various magazines from time to time. The main source of my income was the specially requested stories. While I would take on requests for free a lot of the time, I wouldn't say no to a chance at a little cash.

Maybe that was what made one request catch my eye. Or maybe it was because of the name.

I know you usually don't write fanfics about real people, but I'd really love it if you could write something romantic about Toru Oikawa.

The requester offered double the usual rate. That alone was enough to make me stop and think about it. That wasn't the only thing that caught my attention though.

Oikawa... I'd heard that name before. There was no telling if it was the same Oikawa or not, but I had to admit that I was curious. Just who was this guy? A quick internet search turned up very mixed info, most of it saying the opposite of whatever the last thing had said. In the end, I had to ask the requester.

It turned out that he was a high school volleyball player who happened to be super popular with the ladies. The way the person described him was too biased for me to use, but since I did get the name of the school, I did have the opportunity to do some of my own research.

Aoba Johsai wasn't that far... and luckily I had some sort of a time that this guy should be around. As I planned it out, I couldn't help but wonder if this Oikawa was the same Oikawa that I heard Hajime talk about...

Luckily, getting permission to observe the volleyball team's practice was easy. All it took was a simple explanation that I was a writer and had been asked to do a story about the team's captain. They didn't question what kind of a story or who I was doing said story for, so I didn't have any reason to lie. I even got an escort to the gym where the practice was going on.

The players were mid-practice, but that was fine. All the better, actually. It gave me a chance to see them in their usual element.

It didn't take long to find this Oikawa guy... and admittedly he was rather attractive. He really didn't seem like my type though. As I looked over the other players, for research purposes of course, I couldn't help but smile when my eyes landed on a familiar face.

We'd never gotten to meet in person, but after so many times of talking until four in the morning and late-night video calls, I'd know him anywhere. Hajime...

None of the boys seemed to notice me, which was good. Well, that was until the ball went astray... which also happened to be right towards my face.

The impact hurt, of course, but it was something I could easily brush off. "Um... ow?" I laughed a little. It wasn't like I hadn't ever been hit in the head with a ball before.

At that point, practice paused a moment while several of the players gathered around where I stood with the coaches. Upon seeing me up close though, I swear Hajime's jaw hit the floor.

"Hey, Hajime. Didn't think I'd be seeing you here," I hummed, acting calm and collected. Immediately the eyes that had been on me went to him.

"Iwa-chan, you know this girl?" Oikawa looked at his friend curiously. After all, how often was it that his best friend talked to a girl? Let alone be on a first-name basis with one.

I simply smiled. "Iwa-chan? That is adorable." It was clear to the two of us that I was teasing him, but I hadn't expected to see him blushing a bit. He really was adorable.

"You're more adorable than that silly old nickname~" That right there told me that Oikawa was definitely one of those flirty types. That was information that I could use. "Don't know what you see in Iwa-chan though he's-"

Before he can even finish the sentence, Hajime is dragging him off by the collar of his shirt.


Iwaizumi let Oikawa go once the two were alone. "I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't flirt with my girlfriend," he said, not even letting the setter have the chance to complain.

"Eh?" Oikawa blinked a few times as the information sunk in. "Since when do you have a girlfriend?"

The ace looked away slightly. "It's been a few months now... but this is the first time I've ever seen her in person..." Oikawa opened his mouth but shut it quickly saw Iwaizumi's glare. "We met through this game, okay? I didn't expect it to happen, but I fell for her. Hard. How could I not? It's like we just clicked instantly."

"Iwa-chan, you know she was probably just screwing with you, right? She probably has a boyfriend... one that's not you." Oikawa's words weren't meant to hurt him, no, they were more to warn him to not be too attached.

"She did, actually." Iwaizumi looked Oikawa right in the eyes. "When we met, she had a boyfriend. She didn't tell me then... probably didn't want to hurt me... but not too long after, they broke up. That was when I'd found out she even had someone... I really didn't want to go and be that guy or be like some kind of a rebound, but I ended up asking her out a few weeks after... and I didn't tell you because I didn't want to risk you getting involved and screwing things up... I really don't want to screw this up, okay?"

It's a rare event when Iwaizumi spills his feelings to Oikawa, especially ones like this. "And... well... I wanted to ask for some advice..."

"You... want advice? From me?"

"Don't give me that dumbass look."

Oikawa shook his head. "what could you even want my help for? It's not like I know anything you don't-"

"She's older than me and a hell of a lot more experienced, okay?" It killed him to have to admit it, but Oikawa had a lot more experience when it came to girls.

"I... how much older is she?" She didn't seem like she was much older than high school age to Oikawa, so hearing that Iwaizumi was with an older woman was surprising.

Iwaizumi scowled a bit. "She's 22, alright? And she's admitted that she's experienced... and I... I've never done it."

"Iwa-chan... are you actually nervous about this?" Oikawa knew he had better choose his words very carefully or Open Iwaizumi would become Violent Iwaizumi. Besides, Iwaizumi seemed like he was legitimately worried. "I get you're into her, but are you seriously that head over heels for her? It's not like you have any reason to be scared or anything."

Meanwhile with Reader-chan...

"So how'd you and Iwaizumi meet anyway?"

"Hm... I didn't actually remember what happened when we met." I'd already said that we'd met through a game, but these guys wanted more of an answer. "But the first time that I did remember ever interacting with him is rather interesting."

The ears of Matsukawa and Hanamaki perked up. Probably eager for some blackmail material.

"Okay, so this game we play has this little marriage system, okay?" I took a minute to briefly explain how it worked and how it literally gave you no actual perks... it was purely for fun and role-playing purposes. "A lot of people were marrying each other and I felt a teeny bit left out, so I thought it'd be funny and I said in the chat that 'seeing everyone getting married makes me feel all lonely.' Hajime... he piped right up, saying he'd marry me."

"That's so sweet Iwa-chan!" Oikawa's voice chimed in, signaling that he and Hajime had returned... and had heard the story I'd just told. If Oikawa hadn't said anything though, the faint blush on Hajime's face would have given it away.

I nodded. "It really was. Even If we didn't marry then, it was still really sweet." It was probably one of my most treasured memories.

At that point though, the boys had to finish practice. I didn't need to hang around any longer, but I chose to stay anyway. How could I pass up a chance to spend time with Hajime? Even if it would only get to be for just a moment, I wanted nothing more than to be with him... because I loved Hajime... with all of my heart.

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