Secret (Kenjiro Shirabu)

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Wizzy: Before the story starts, I got a few things to say. First, this will be another part of the Creature Collection with 3 parts. Second, I don't want to hear any shit about the particular kink that gets mentioned here. I can promise that any insults to that will be taken personally. Takes a lot of guts to go and put personal things in stories... Thirdly, this part is only setting things up for parts 2 & 3, so it will be a bit lacking. It will be made up for in Parts 2 & 3. Part 2 will be mature, for all you perverts out there XD (Wizling: You know that means you too, Wizzy)
Another thing to note, the Reader is meant to be human. It's not directly said, but that was the intention.

"SATORI!" I ignored all the eyes that went straight to me as I approached the redhead. It certainly wasn't the beginning of all the stares I'd been getting today... and I know it certainly won't be anywhere near the last...

Satori doesn't look all that surprised, nor does he look the least bit intimidated. "Hmm? Did I do something?"

I want to punch him. You know what? I'm going to punch him. "Stupid Satori!" I swung at him, only for him to dodge without a problem. Stupid reflexes of his. "I told you that in confidence!" Another swing, another flawless dodge. "Who did you tell?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Liar!" I stopped trying to murder him just long enough to pull up the picture on my phone and show him. There was my dorm room door... on it, various words and drawings of wolf dicks... a very sick way of calling me out for a little secret that had apparently been spilled. "You're the only one who knew anything about that! Who did you tell?"

Satori only shrugged. "It's not like it's that big of a deal-" He jumped out of the way as I swung at him again. "Everyone has their kinks you know-" He dodged my punch again and moved behind one of his teammates. "Shirabu, hold her back, will you?"

The person he'd referred to as Shirabu did as he was told, but it was pretty clear that he was confused. Satori gave a little smirk... that one he always has when he's plotting something "Oh, you know..." I want so badly to slap that smirk off his face, but with this guy holding me back it was impossible. "Shirabu's a werewolf."

For just a moment, my frustration with the third year is forgotten and I turn to look back at this Shirabu guy. Now that I was actually looking at his face, I recognized him from my class. We'd never once talked. All too quickly though, I remembered why I was here and turned to look at Satori... only to find that he was long gone.

"Stupid Satori..." I sighed in frustration as I was finally released. "Would it kill him to at least pretend he's sorry?"

"It's your own fault for trusting Tendo to keep a secret in the first place." No sympathy from Shirabu, I suppose.

I folded my arms across my chest. "It's not like I chose to tell him..." Honestly, I really hadn't planned for anyone to find out at all. "It's all out now, I guess... I've got a thing for werewolves, okay? I don't need you and everyone else judging me for it."

"Why would I judge you for that?"

I'm not sure why that surprised me... I know that not everyone judges... and yet... knowing that he wasn't going to look down on me for such a weird attraction... it made me smile.

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