Curiosity (Tetsuro Kuroo X OC AKihiro)

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Wizzy: I just want to take a minute to say a little something:
**Always use a condom during sexual activities. Even if you're both guys or if it's just anal sex with your guy or girl. It's not just to prevent pregnancy or to make clean-up easy.... it can prevent a seriously nasty infection. Take it from someone who's had a UTI before (a few times, actually), they are horrible and can lead to serious medical problems if not treated right away. So be careful, my lovely little readers.**

My body tosses and turns in its sleep. My breathing isn't breathing, but rather panting. It's not quite a nightmare, but not fully a memory either. My past isn't one that troubles me, though sometimes it comes back to haunt me when I'm fast asleep.

I finally wake, drenched in sweat. It's barely 2 AM. There's still much longer to sleep, but I knew I wouldn't be.

I'm woken up by someone shaking my arm. "Aki-sensei?" a familiar, sweet voice asked me as I sleepily rubbed my eyes. That would be one of my students, Mitsuki. "Are you okay?"

With almost all of my students, I'm on a first-name basis. Obviously, I'm not like your average teacher. First off, I'm younger and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be covered in scars. Or be missing a very noticeable chunk of their ear. Then again, being a teacher of a Transformations class calls for a different type of knowledge and experience.

I quickly manage to convince everyone that I'm fine. The last class of the day ends and I'm glad it is over. As much as I love my students, I'd fallen asleep on my desk far too many times today.

Everyone filed out of the room, except for one. A handsome young Kitsune by the name of Tetsuro Kuroo. He's a good student and quite popular with the ladies. To be perfectly honest, he didn't need to be in my class at all.

"Did you need something, Tetsuro?" I asked as I gathered up the papers scattered about my desk, stashing them away in the various drawers.

The Kitsune stepped up to my desk. "I wanted to talk to you about something..."Tetsuro avoided meeting my eyes. Clearly, this wasn't something about the class. I nodded, indicating that it was okay to continue."Well... you see..." He struggled a moment, finding the right words. "Have you ever wondered what it's like to have sex with someone who's the same gender as you?"

"No." It was an honest answer, but in no way was it judging. "I never had the opportunity to, as my very first time was with another man," I admitted, though I wasn't going to give him all the details. "It was something that was forced on me; I had no say in it whatsoever."Tetsuro paled. "But, it's not a big deal to be curious about such a thing."

Tetsuro remained quiet a moment before finally looking me in the eye. "Would you teach me?"

While I may not have been book smart, I was smart about life itself. It didn't take a genius to figure out what he was getting at. By "teach me," he really meant "show me."

Now, I really had no problem with that. Age is nothing to me, as I've had many lovers of many ages. Some younger, some older. Tetsuro was 18, so it wasn't like this was illegal. However, the Academy Rulebook stated that relations of this sort were forbidden, meaning I could lose my job. Not that it stopped me before.

If someone comes to me, asking me to have sex with them, I'm not going to turn them down.I very much enjoy sex, regardless of who my partner may be. I'd like to think the only good thing that came out of my dark past is that I have no sexual preferences; be they male or female, younger or older... it didn't make any difference to me. However, I never pursue anyone.

"You're asking me to have sex with you?" I asked, just to confirm that we were on the same page. He tenses just slightly, but nods. As I expected. "Take care of the windows then." I nodded towards the windows on the side of the room, meaning for him to close the curtains. While he was taking care of that, I went over to the door, shutting and locking it. Wouldn't want anyone walking in on us.

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