Pumpkin Guts (Ryunosuke Tanaka)

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Wizzy: I don't typically do holiday-themed stuff, but this was such a cute idea. And it was too perfect. Besides, I really like Halloween. And pumpkin guts. Pumpkin guts are awesome. Haha.

I've always loved Halloween. Bet you can't guess my favorite part. No, it's not dressing up in funny costumes or even the candy... No, my most favorite part of Halloween is so much simpler and more fun. Pumpkins. Carving pumpkins, to be exact. Though my darling boyfriend didn't share my love of it.

But even though he'd made it clear he disliked it, he was still willing to do it with me. "Isn't this fun?" I giggled, sticking my hand into the open pumpkin. The squishy and slimy feel of the orange substance was one I loved. Squeezing some of it in my hand I held it up where Tanaka could see.

"That's disgusting." Like I said, Ryunosuke Tanaka did not share my love for this.

Squishing it in my hand a bit more to tease him, I suddenly dropped it. Lucky for me, it landed back inside the pumpkin. "Ow!" I'd forgotten about a small cut on my hand. As I'd learned when I was much younger: when pumpkin guts touch your cuts, it stings really badly.

"What happened?" Instantly he was at my side, making sure that I was okay. I'd mostly said 'ow' on reflex, so it hadn't hurt that badly. Still though, it made me frown to know I couldn't do this without feeling that same sting. And unlike what you'd think, it gets worse the longer you keep doing it.

To answer Tanaka, I held out my hand. "There's a cut that I forgot about..." I frowned as I pointed to the tiny cut between my fingers. What he did then surprised me.

Tanaka stuck his hand into the pumpkin. He gave me a smile as his hand came back up with a handful of the orange slime. "I hope you realize this is incredibly disgusting," he said, setting the stuff in a bowl next to us.

"I didn't ask you to do that," I playfully scolded him. "I can still do it myself, Ryu..."

"Yes, but what kind of a man would I be if I just watched my girl hurt herself like that without doing anything about it?"

He had a point, but I always loved teasing him. "A sadistic one?"

Tanaka scowled at me. When he wasn't looking I grabbed a small handful of pumpkin guts from the bowl. Using my hand that didn't have a cut of course. Then when he looked back at me, I tossed it at him, hitting him on the side of his forehead. "Hey!"

I couldn't help giggling, even after he did the same to me. Sure, this was going to be a major pain to clean up, but I didn't care. The two of us were having fun and I think I found a new favorite thing to do around Halloween.

Wrapping my arms around his waist, I gave my awesome boyfriend a kiss. After all, only the best boyfriend would do something he hates for the girl he loves. "I love you, Ryu..."

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