Trouble Magnet (Hajime Iwaizumi)

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Why can't I seem to lose this guy? I complained to myself as I turned another corner. Running from this creep was getting tiring. No matter how fast I ran or how many twists and turns I took, he was right behind me. Where was Iwaizumi or Oikawa when you need them?

That brief thought reminded me of how we'd met. It had been another moment exactly like this one. I was running from some guy and was getting too tired to run much further. That's when I spotted a crowd of girls. Thinking that maybe I could lose him, I mixed in with the crowd. That plan worked; until another guy came and dragged away the guy the girls were focused on.

As the crowd of girls separated, my plan began to shatter. After seeing the creepy guy still nearby, I was starting to feel desperate. There was no way I could keep running from him. I quickly rushed after the two boys, calling out to them.

"You look like you're a tough guy," I asked, trying hard not to look back at the guy who'd been following me. "Can I just tag along with you for a while?"

The slightly shorter one looked down at me with an annoyed expression. "We're busy. If you want to fangirl over Oikawa, then do it some other time." His words were kinda cold, but I guess it was understandable. After all, I was a total stranger to them.

But at that moment, I didn't have any other options. As the two started to walk away, I quickly grabbed the short one's hand. "It's not like that at all!" I tried hard to keep my voice calm, but my whole body was shaking and I was sure he could feel it. "Please... T-this guy's been following me. I-I can't seem to get rid of him and I can't go home because I'm all alone at home... Please just let me tag along with you until he's gone!"

My voice was starting to break. I was more scared than I'd ever been in my life. Tears were even threatening to slip out. The short one looked behind me and then back down at me. In the end, he agreed to help me out and from there we eventually became good friends.

I'd been lucky to have run into them that time. But this time was different. The boys didn't have volleyball practice, so I didn't know where I could find them. It's not like we went to the same school either. Though now that I thought about it, transferring to their school might actually be a smart idea. After all, I was constantly needing Iwaizumi and Oikawa's help.

Just as I was about to give up hope, I crashed into someone tall. Falling on my backside, I looked up to find the person I'd wanted to see most. "Iwa-chan!" I cried out in happiness and relief.

He shook his head with a smile on his face. "I swear, you are a magnet for trouble..." Now that I was with Iwaizumi, I was safe. With a smile on my face, I decided that I'd have to give him a thank-you kiss later.

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