Believe It When You See It (Keiji Akaashi)

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Wizzy: Okay, just going that this is supposed to be one of those Soulmate AUs. The one where you and your soulmate share identical marks on the wrist of your dominant hand. Or something like that.

I've always kept it hidden. That embarrassing little mark on the soft side of my wrist was always covered. At least, until today when I'd been in such a hurry to get to school that I completely forgot to cover it.

"Is that really what your mark looks like?"

"Seriously?" As I'd expected, I was met with a flood of comments and questions about that stupid little mark on my wrist. My soulmate mark. "Your mark is the Kanji for 'duck'?"

Needless to say, it was beyond annoying. "And this is exactly why I always keep it covered," I grumbled mostly to myself. It's not like I cared about finding out who my mate was anyway. "Besides, I don't really believe in all that 'soulmate' crap."

My friends just frowned at me. "You would if you knew who your soulmate was."

I started to open my mouth to argue with them, but whatever I was going to say was lost when I ran into someone. "Sorry," I said, giving the stranger a friendly wave. Well, maybe he wasn't exactly a stranger, we did go to the same school after all. Either way, I wasn't in the mood to meet new people today, so I turned and started to continue on my way.

"Hold on a second," he said. It was then I realized which hand I'd just waved with.

I stopped for just a moment to look back at him. "If you're going to ask about the mark, yes, it's the Kanji for duck," I said in a bored tone. No doubt this guy would tease me like everyone else. "Now goodbye."

As I tried to walk away again, the guy grabbed my arm, stopping me. "Wait."

Now I was getting more than a little annoyed. "What?" If he was just going to make fun of the mark, then I'd rather just cut my arm off to keep from having to put up with that ridiculous and pointless mark. It's not like I believe in soulmates anyway.

My harsh response didn't appear to faze him."We match."


"Our marks." The boy held up his wrist to show me. Pulling away the stuff covering his mark, he revealed it to me and those standing close enough to see. "They're the same."

Looking closer at his and then at mine, I realized he was right. The two marks were an exact match. Even more interesting than that, he kept it covered just like I always did. If it weren't for my rushing today, we might never have known we were so close by this whole time.

"What?!" His friend beside him laughed like a maniac at the sight of it. "That's what your mark looks like, Akaashi?"

The boy named Akaashi gave his energetic friend a bored look. "And now you know why I've never let you see it before..." To think I thought my friends were bad... I think Mr. Energetic is ten times worse than all of my friends combined.

Smiling like an idiot in love, I looked back at my friends. And after my next words, they simply high-fived each other. "I think I love him already."

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