Jealous (Yutaro Kindaichi)

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Wizzy: Another piece of the creature collection. If you haven't started reading that, definitely go check that book out. You won't regret it.

I couldn't quite make out the words that he'd said... but what I could understand was something along the lines of telling me I was beautiful. It made my face hot. That should have been the first sign.

He leaned in, his lips pressed to mine in a rather awkward kiss. It's no surprise... he's not exactly experienced with girls. Maybe that's part of why I like him so much... It's not long at all before tongues are brought into the mix.

"You're cute."

My face burned hot again. That right there gave it all away though. If his lip were too busy being attached to mine, then how could he even speak? No, this was just another stupid dream...

I felt my shoulder being shaken and opened my eyes slightly. Ah... I fell asleep in class again.

"About time." Kindaichi frowned down at me. "You're lucky I don't have practice on Mondays... Everyone else was just going to leave you there."

Sleepily I rubbed my eyes and stood up. "You would have woke me up even if you had practice." He always did. Neither of us could really remember how we even became friends, but we were close. Close enough that he trusted me with knowing that he was a vampire.

It wasn't like it was a big deal, but humans and nonhumans didn't always get along smoothly. There were rumors of groups that kidnapped and abused many nonhumans, but I had no way of knowing if such a rumor was true or just some scary story that nonhumans told their children.

Despite being human though, I had come to be good friends with this vampire. Happened sometime in middle school. Couldn't tell you how or when it specifically was, but it had led to this right here.

I slowly got up, throwing my bag over my shoulder. We always walked home together whenever he didn't have volleyball practice. Sometimes if there was a match, I'd stay to watch and we'd usually walk home after. On Wednesdays, we'd stop off at a quiet, hidden away place and I'd let him drink some of my blood.

It wasn't anything special... just something I did for him so that he didn't have to look elsewhere for it... The last thing he needed was to draw the attention of a vampire hunter. He was a harmless vampire, of course, but all it would take would be for him to be in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong crowd... and that wasn't even considering that his closest guy friend was the son of a pretty well-known vampire hunter.

As we walked, Kindaichi seemed to be a bit quieter than usual... and a tad bit fidgety. Maybe he needed a distraction of some kind. "Hey, Kindaichi," I hummed, glancing at him. He looked at me out of the corner of his eye. "There's that new arcade that just opened up... you wanna come check it out with me?"

Kindaichi stopped walking. "Well... actually... I have plans... a date, actually..."

I moved in front of him. "With who?"

"With the team's manager..." He wouldn't look me in the eyes as he said it.

"Of course..." There was no hiding the fact that I was upset. Not exactly sad though... more like angry... jealous, even. "And I suppose you weren't even gonna tell me anything about it..." His lack of response told me all I needed. "Shouldn't you be walking with her then?"

"Wait, are you actually jealous?" Seriously Kindaichi, how oblivious are you?

"Me? Jealous?" Hit the nail right on the head, but I wasn't going to just straight-up admit that. "You're imagining it."

Kindaichi really should have known that I was lying, but if he did, he didn't acknowledge it. "Actually... I wanted to ask if you would..." I knew right where this was going.

"Why don't you just ask your little girlfriend." It was selfish of me, but right now I was more than a little pissed off at him. With good reason though.

First off, he should have caught on by now that I was into him. Then there was the fact that he'd never even told me about this date that he was supposed to be going on. Not to mention the fact that it was with some other girl... one who was clearly okay with hanging around nonhumans.

Now on top of all that, he was going to ask me for my blood? Sooner than the time when I usually let him have it? Yeah, that didn't exactly sit well with me.

"She's not my girlfriend..."

I turned and started walking without him. "Yeah, well you obviously want her to be." It's not exactly fair for me to be acting so bitter towards him, but that's the farthest thing from my mind right now. "Just 'cause she's pretty... I swear the whole volleyball club has a thing for her. It's disgusting."

There was a really high chance that I would end up saying something I'd regret if I kept talking. It wasn't like I hated the girl though... I just hated how she had caught Kindaichi's attention. I'd been trying since our last year of middle school and here she comes out of nowhere, snatching him right out from under me...

"That's a little unfair, don't you think?"

No. Yes. Kind of? My emotions were a bit out of whack at the moment. All I knew for sure at that moment was that I was upset with Kindaichi. Any other feelings would come later. "Kindaichi, you're an idiot."

I didn't say anything more to him and simply continued to head home in silence. He had his new girl now... he didn't need me... so I was determined that I wouldn't need him... even if that wasn't quite how things actually worked.

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