My Puppy (Sou Inuoka)

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Wizzy: Here's the first part of the Creature Collection! Also, I'd like to point out that they're older in this one. Sou is probably about 25 and they've been together quite a while before the start of this.  

"Wake me up in an hour..." my boyfriend mumbled, drifting off to sleep.

It was always like this. We'd spend the day together and then as it started to get later, he'd get tired and take a short nap with me. Having been together several years now and being more than old enough, I'd suggested that we simply just move in together. However, Sou always changed the subject every time I tried I tried to bring it up. In fact, he even refused to stay the night even when he was too tired to even go home.

For just a moment, I let myself think about a certain secret I'd been keeping from him. If he knew, would that change his mind about it? Maybe it would actually scare him away... Sou was a great guy, but he didn't exactly strike me as being 'father material.'

Cuddling close to him on the couch, I wished he would just come out and say that he didn't want our relationship to move any further. Or that maybe he'd explain why he was so afraid of taking that next step. Sighing, I decided to just ask him about it tomorrow and drifted off to sleep, knowing that as soon as I woke up, he'd be long gone.

It was a few hours later when I woke up. I didn't even have to look to know that Sou was already gone; the absence of his warmth was enough of a sign. My heart stung, but I was used to this. In fact, It would have been a miracle if he'd still been there when I'd opened my eyes.

Slowly I sat up and stretched. It was early nighttime still, meaning that I had several hows before it was time to get up and start the day. As usual, I got up and took care of the bowl from last's night's popcorn. After that was when I'd climb into my bed and cuddle with my pillow, wishing it were my beloved Sou.

This night though, something was different. I heard noises from inside my apartment. First, it was something like the sound a doorknob makes when you try to turn it, but it's locked. When you live alone, that's a pretty scary noise and I was no exception. My nerves were instantly set on edge.

Not even seconds passed before the same noise was heard again before being following by a light scratching sound, like a dog's toenails against tile floors. Now I was getting a bit scared. If I didn't know any better, I'd say something was in here. But that just wasn't possible, right?

Even though I was sure it wasn't possible, I still grabbed my cell phone from the table and quickly called my boyfriend. If anything, he'd at least calm me down. However, when I hear the ring of his phone coming from the table next to me, I know that plan was a fail. I couldn't bother Yuuki or anyone else this late at night, so I was on my own here.

My entire body was shaking as I looked around. No lights were on except the lamp on the small table in the corner of the living room. The only other light was the light from the full moon that shone in through the window.

Hearing the toenail noise again, I quickly turned towards the sound only to be forcefully pushed onto the floor by something heavy and furry. Catching just a glimpse of sharp white teeth, I instinctively shut my eyes. I probably should have screamed, but I was too scared to even move.

A small growl came from the creature followed by a light whimper escaping from me. Its hot breath touched my neck and then... a soft lick just under my ear.

Cautiously, I opened my eyes, to see a dog, no a wolf, staring down at me. It stood over me, preventing me from getting up from my position on the floor. I should have been completely terrified, but looking at the creature's eyes, I felt like I was safe... almost like Sou was right here with me.

Then it hit me. "Sou?" I asked, not looking away from him. My only answer was a lick to my cheek. Suddenly, it all made sense. Why he'd never stayed with me at night... why he was so hesitant for us to live together... it was all because of this. He was a werewolf.

I let out a sigh of relief, taking his furry face in my hands. "Why didn't you just tell me?" All I got was a whine. The reason was pretty obvious though: he'd been afraid that I might leave him I ever found out. It was a normal fear, but if I'd stuck with this big puppy this long, it would take a lot more than this to make me give him up. "Sou, I love you." I smiled up at him. "You could be anything in the world and I won't mind it as long as you're still the same Sou that I fell in love with."

He nuzzled his face into my neck, pleased by my response. After a moment, he started to move off of me, but he stopped for just a second, lifting the bottom of my shirt and brushing his cold nose against my stomach. "Sou! That tickles!" I laughed, pushing his nose away with one hand and covering my stomach with the other.

Finally up, I decide now I probably should get to bed. With Sou with me, I climbed into bed. He snuggled close to me, resting his chin on my shoulder. Slowly, he reached over and I felt a light nibble on my earlobe, something he only ever did when he was feeling frisky. "No, Sou."

Sou let out a small whine and looked up at me. And there's those puppy dog eyes of his. I swear he was a professional at that. "Not while you're in that body," I told him, cuddling close to him. "But if you still want to in the morning, maybe we can then." That little promise was enough. Holding him close, I slept better than I had in years.

Extended Ending:

When I woke the next morning with a human Sou's arms around me, I couldn't help but smile. I'd wanted to wake up to this so many times; now I could finally experience it. Maybe now he'd finally be willing to stay the night once in a while. Which reminded me of one more secret that needed to be told.

"Morning," his voice greeted me as he kissed my forehead. Maybe that secret could wait a bit; I just wanted to lay here like this a little longer.

Hugging him tightly, I couldn't keep the smile off my face. "I love you, Sou."

"I love you too." Sou hugging me tighter and I heard a slight chuckle escape him. "By the way, I'm really excited about our little one." For a moment I wasn't sure I'd heard him correctly, but before I could even ask, his next words told me what I needed to know. "I read the texts on your phone. But I suspected it even before that."

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