Aliens (Toru Oikawa)

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"Oh look at that one!" My best friend, Rika Oikawa, and I were bored. So what do you think we were doing? Yep. We were looking up random pick-up lines. Wait, what were you thinking we were doing?

Rika giggled. "That's so cheesy..."

"So's that one!" I laughed, pointing to another one. We'd found so many of them already. Sure, a lot of them were really perverted, but they were still funny.

"Hey check this one out!"

As soon as I saw it, the image of a familiar face instantly came to mind. "That sounds like one your brother would use!" It was impossible not to laugh at the thought. It was so perfect.

Rika elbowed me as a smirk made its way onto her face. She was thinking something devilish, and if it was like every other idea she got, I was going to love it. "Hey, I dare you to go use that one on him."

"Right now?"

"No, in three years..." she said sarcastically rolling her eyes at me. "Of course right now!"

After some pushing and quick memorization of the line I had to say, I went downstairs. Lucky for us, Hajime and Toru were close friends, even if Hajime would never admit it. Did I mention Hajime was my brother? Anyway, both boys were staying here tonight, just like Rika and me. Kinda like a double sleepover.

It didn't take long to spot my vic... er.. target. He was sitting on the couch, with Hajime nowhere in the room. This was the perfect opportunity.

As I got close to him, he looked up at me with his usual smile. Standing there, I pretended to be shy. After all, I was "Iwa-chan's sweet and adorably baby sister." Though I doubt being only two years younger counts as being a "baby" sister. Most times the two of us would never get this close; Toru was too afraid of Hajime to get more than a meter close to me. But I looked harmless enough, or so I hoped he thought.

"Hey Toru," I asked, tilting my head. Acting the cutest and sweetest that I could, I hit him with the first half of the pick-up line. "Are you an alien?" The older Oikawa looked at me in confusion. Clearly, he was trying to figure why I was asking such a strange question. Then I hit him with the other half of the line. "Because you just abducted my heart!"

His jaw dropped open. Seconds passed like minutes before my words sunk in. And once they did, his reaction was priceless.

Toru jumped on me, hugging me very tightly with an idiotic grin on his face before shouting out to my brother who still hadn't returned yet. "Iwa-chan, I'm marrying your sister!"

Rika had a thrilled expression. In fact, she looked like she was already planning the wedding. My brother's reaction, however, was very much the opposite.

Hajime was right there in less than a second with a furious look on his face. "Like hell you are!"

Bonus Just-For-Laughs Ending:

As we watched Hajime chase Toru around the room, probably trying to murder him, I looked over to my best friend. We were both laughing to ourselves; it was a funny scene of course. "Hey Rika," I asked, getting an amused hum in response. "Do you sometimes get the feeling they're secretly gay for each other?"

She lost it. It was merely a joke, but if our brothers had heard us, you can bet they're be trying to murder us. Yeah, we were so lucky that Hajime and Toru didn't hear any of that.

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