Message From Wizzy!

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Okay, so ya'll know that I took a few years off from writing. Obviously, I'm back now and have been updating things pretty regularly. More so than before, I think. And it could be because I've got little to no life, but it seems like outside of this book, nothing is really getting read. It's a shame since I'd bet a lot of you would be thrilled to read some of these other stories. So I wanted to take a minute and say "Hey, ya might like these. Go give 'em a look!"

Now, I know ya'll already know about my Bokuto story and the Oikawa one, so I won't list them here. However, I'll bet a lot of you didn't know that the Bokuto one has a sequel/spinoff. Or that there's a story that tells what happens on Satori's side of things from Oikawa's.

You also might notice that I like to tie stories together. It keeps things fun and interesting for me... makes it feel like a game of sorts. 

Also for my sanity and the sake of my poor fingers, MC = Main Character

The Stupidity of Love - Lev's story. This one is finally finished. This one is very innocent compared to most of my others. More funny and playful than romantic.

Caterpillar, Cocoon, Butterfly - At the risk of spoiling the love interest, this is Atsumu's story. While there are some Osamu elements, it's tied into Osamu's story. Here we have a very awkward MC who wants nothing more than to evolve from her caterpillar self into a beautiful social butterfly.

The Dream I Can't Reach - This is Book 1 for Osamu. (Yes, his story will be split into two books.) Our MC here has a rather questionable reputation, but she's content with that, for the most part. Follows how she handles her feelings towards someone she firmly believes is far beyond her reach. Ties into Atsumu's story and gives a bit of insight into the blonde's side of things. (Book 2 will be "Lost Dream" )

Learning to Fly - Sequel to "Teach Me How to Fly" and centers around Akaashi and Bokuto's younger sister from the first book. Here we see Akaashi trying to adjust to life without Bokuto and getting over his lingering feelings towards Kisa, while little Miku takes on the hassles of high school and confronting her feelings towards her brother's best friend. (And of course a few owl shenanigans too!)

Somewhere Beyond the Shadows - Many seemed a bit sad for Satori after Oikawa's story ended, so of course, I have to tell Satori's side of things. Centers around the MC's feelings for Satori and her struggles with his lingering feelings for his ex, Senri.

Rangers - An AU of my creation. This one is a story for Iwaizumi. His feelings towards his partner are seemingly one-sided, but as with any story I write, things aren't always what they seem. 

Alpha - Zombie Apocalypse. Follows Alpha (the codename of the MC) and her journey across Japan to deliver the "cure" to Ragnarok's research facility. Along the way, she's dragged into assisting civilians, among these being Bokuto, who endlessly tests her patience and self-restraint. However much she might desire to just shoot him though, he's the one to ultimately show that emotions aren't necessarily a bad thing.

No Life - The first legitimate love triangle. Follows the Haikyuu cast while being trapped inside a video game. I've personally had a blast with writing this one. A love triangle with Iwaizumi and Semi. Some things are based on Haikyuu Quest, for those who are fans of that. (Knight Iwaizumi and a very badass Mage Semi. How can anyone resist?)

Two Sides to Every Coin - Book 1 for Sugawara. Like Osamu, this one will be split into 2 books. One pre-timeskip, one post-timeskip. For story purposes, I can't say why. This one follows Nagi/Nagisa, a talented guitarist, and their struggle between their two selves: Nagisa the sweet tenderhearted girl, and Nagi the star who is very much a jerk.

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