Stronger Than You (Wakatoshi Ushijima)

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Wizzy: More Creature Collection.

I stare him down from across the gym. His eyes meet mine and he mentally sighs. He already knows what's coming next. We've been through this so many times that he'd know it even if he got some serious amnesia and couldn't even remember his own name.

If there's one thing I want to be, it would be to be stronger. If I could be the strongest, maybe then I could save her... Oh, I haven't really explained that yet, have I? You see, my younger sister was kidnapped by this asshole werewolf. I tried to stop him, but I was nowhere near strong enough then.

She was only nine then, so she didn't even have a hope of fighting back. I have no idea why they took her or where she is, but I do know that she's alive. Whatever it takes, I'll rip that asshole's throat out with my own teeth for messing with the only family I have. That's what I swore three years ago, but I've yet to get strong enough.

By the way, did I mention that I'm a werewolf? There's actually a lot of us all over the place. In fact, each school has so many that each has its own 'alpha,' or more specifically someone that keeps the rest in line. Usually, that's the strongest. And for my school, Shiratorizawa, that is Wakatoshi Ushijima.

The guy's crazy strong and I've lost to him more times than I can count. I know, it sounds pretty crazy for a 2nd-year girl to pick a fight with a 3rd-year guy, but I'm kinda desperate here. Who wouldn't be, you know? I'm fighting to get back the only family I got.

We're a blur of teeth and fur as we roll across the hard floor. He's careful not to do any real damage to me. That really pisses me off. How could I get any stronger if he kept going easy on me?

Almost as quickly as it started, the fight was over. Ushijima and I have both shifted back into our human forms. I'm pinned against the floor, his hands firmly holding my wrists to keep me from moving. Another loss for me...

As I'm released I storm off to the locker room, shoving several people who were in my way. I lost yet again... at this rate, I'd never be strong enough! Cursing loudly, I slammed my fist against one of the lockers, leaving a small dent in it.

Leaning my forehead against the cold metal of the lockers, my eyes began to sting. This was no time for tears, but I was too frustrated to be able to hold it back. Hot tears slid silently down and fell to the floor. I felt so weak, so pathetic; I'd never be strong enough.

"Why must you insist on defeating me?" the voice of that familiar face said behind me. I didn't even hear him come in, but then again, I was too pissed off to pay much attention. "By now it should be obvious that you could never be stronger than me."

Ushijima was right. It was a cruel fact, but I knew he was right. I could never hope to be even half as strong as he was. But even knowing that already, hearing him say it only pissed me off even more. "You would never understand!" I growled, leaping at him. Looks like this time we've got round 2.

Just as before, I failed. Soon I found myself pinned against the wall with Shiratorizawa's ace staring down at me. He didn't speak this time, just waited quietly for me to speak. And after a moment of silence, I gave in and told him everything. "He has my sister and unless I can get stronger, I'll never be able to save her."

Ushijima's eyes locked with mine. I could see a question in them, but what that question was, I had no idea. What I did know, was that him staring at me like that was a bit awkward. "Fine," was the only word he said. Unable to maintain the awkward eye contact, I looked away from the ace.

Then, out of nowhere something pinches the side of my neck. It almost feels like... wait, is he actually biting me? What the hell?! Before I could say anything, the pinching feeling was replaced by the feeling of something soft and wet moving against my skin. Okay, now this was kinda weird.

"W-what are you doing?" I cursed myself for stuttering. But I didn't get any sort of response yet. As I opened my mouth to ask again, he shut me up by biting down again, this time harder than before.

"What the hell?" I half-shouted after he'd stopped messing with my neck. Just what was he trying to do?

Ushijima simply stared at me, his usual serious expression on his face. It really pisses me off that I can never tell what this guy is thinking. "I'm marking what is mine."

"Since when did I agree that I was yours?"

Ushijima turned and started to walk away before speaking again. "When I agreed to help you save your sister." His words didn't quite process in my mind. When had he even said anything about that?

"Wait, what?!" I looked at him in shock, but he was already out of the room. As I ran to catch up to him, I ignored the stares I got and called after him. "Ushijima! W-wait a second!"

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