I'm Scared (Toru Oikawa)

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Wizzy: Sequel to Not You & Resist Me. And before anyone asks, no, I am not doing another sequel for that.

His arms wrapped around my waist as his lips gently kissed my neck. This was the first time we'd been alone together since the one and only time that we'd had sex. That had been my very first time and as amazing as it had been, I'd been too scared to do it again. In fact, I'd avoided being alone with Oikawa since then just so that I could avoid it because I knew I wouldn't be able to refuse him.

As his hands begin to wander, I can't stop the anxiety building within me. "Stop." When I spoke, my voice cracked, making my fear even more obvious to him. Oikawa already knows exactly why I was scared... he'd even been a little scared himself.

The one time we'd done it, we'd gotten so caught up in the moment that both of us had completely forgotten about using any sort of protection. I, being a virgin at the time and not having planned on my relationship with him actually getting anywhere, hadn't been on birth control. Oikawa, having not been with anyone in a long time and being more turned on than he usually would have been, had gotten too into it that it had completely slipped his mind until I'd brought it up after the deed had already been done.

While Oikawa had been worried about it, he didn't take it nearly as bad as I did. To say I panicked was an understatement. I was terrified that I might be pregnant. I mean, I'm only a high school student; I'm nowhere near ready to be a mother. So when my period didn't begin when it was supposed to, I got so scared that I actually cried. I completely broke down and cried on Oikawa's shoulder.

Thankfully though, it finally came and I nearly cried with joy. Never in my life had I ever been happier for that little time of the month to arrive. But even so, I'd been so terrified that it might happen again that I'd avoided any sort of intimate moment with my boyfriend.

It's been several months since then. Oikawa and I have been together for about a year now. I should have gotten over my fear by now, but I haven't. I'm still scared as hell.

"It's alright." His voice was soothing and gentle... the side of Oikawa that I didn't often see. "You don't have to be scared anymore." This side of him always gave me chills, though not necessarily the bad kind.

He was right; I knew that. That didn't make it any easier though. You can't get over a fear just like that, you know?

Oikawa slowly turned me around to face him. When I didn't look him in the eye, he tilted my head upwards to look at him. The second our eyes met, I felt weak. No matter how hard I tried or how much I wanted to, I could never resist him. I'd fallen so hopelessly and helplessly in love with him, even when I'd tried so hard not to.

His hand is soft and warm against my cheek. The air around us seems to grow warmer every second. The very second his lips kiss mine, I melt. I'm absolutely helpless in his arms and despite all my fears, I've really missed this. Being close to him like this... I missed it so much.

It was going to take a little work to get over this, but with Oikawa's help, I knew I could do it. As long as I had him, I could handle anything.

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