Trust 3 (Akira Kunimi)

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Wizzy: Kunimi's final chapter of the Creature Collection. I think I may have fallen in love with this guy while writing these three. And I just love that last little scene.

I should have known that hiding a bite mark wouldn't be easy. Akira's father Takeshi was a very observant person, as his job as a vampire hunter required him to be. With the mark being on the side of my neck, it was impossible to cover. Well, unless I wanted to suddenly start wearing scarves which would be stupid since the weather was starting to get warm.

Putting a bandage over it wasn't an option: it would stand out too much. So my only choice was to be careful and keep my hair over it. Of course, no one can be aware of something 100% of the time.

It's only been two days since that time with Akira. So far we'd been lucky that Takeshi had been too busy to notice either of us, but we both knew that luck wouldn't last.

We both sat quietly as we ate dinner. Akira's father was on my left, his mother on my right. He'd insisted on this arrangement for meals, as it was safer. He could avoid being placed between his vampire wife and half-breed son, should they suddenly decide to turn on him. It was quite paranoid, really, but I could understand his concern.

Unfortunately, this arrangement put him on the same side as Akira's bite mark.

As Akira's mother started a bit of conversation, I found myself turning my head to face her. Big mistake. As I did so, I just barely flashed my neck to the old vampire hunter on my left. Needless to say, it did not go ignored by the paranoid man.

His hand reached over, grabbing me and turning my head. Pushing my hair to the side, he exposed the bite mark. The man's eyes immediately turned to his wife, the only full vampire that he knew I'd allow near me. However, the look of surprise on her face cleared her of suspicion.

"Who did this?" His voice was firm and calm, demanding to know the source of the mark.

I didn't answer, though for no more than a second my eyes had flicked over to Akira. That tiny reaction wasn't missed by the ever-observant Takeshi.

His eyes narrowed as he turned towards Akira. Not a word was spoken; Takeshi grabbed his son roughly by the arm, dragging him out of the room. My mouth opened to protest, Akira's mother placed her hand on me, telling me to stay out of it.

I can't see where they go, but I don't need to. It's the basement, where they two often disappear to when Takeshi teaches Akira about being a vampire hunter. I've never seen that room since only the two boys are allowed in and Akira is forbidden from telling anyone of it.

The whole house is dead silent for what seems like forever. The basement had probably been soundproofed, which worried me. His father had been very adamant that he'd never allow his son to be, as he put it, "one of those filthy, no-good bloodsuckers," so I worried about Akira's safety.

After what felt like hours, Takeshi returned without Akira. At first, I thought the worst, but that fear was eased by the sound of the front door slamming shut. Still though, it didn't make things okay.

Despite his mother having told me to stay out of it, I just had to say something. "It wasn't his fault!" I blurted out, trying my best to help make things a little better. Maybe if I told him what happened, it would help. "It was an accident! He never meant to do it."

Unfortunately, it did little to calm the angry hunter. When he said nothing, I stood up and left the room. I was too worried about Akira to just sit here and do nothing; I was going after him. Before anyone could even say or do anything to stop me, I had my shoes on and I was out the door.

It was foolish to be out this late at night, but honestly, I couldn't care less.

The streets were dark, the sun had gone down a while ago. No cars out on the street, not even the quietest sound. To say that it was a creepy scenario would be an understatement.

I glanced around but saw no sign of him. There had to be some way to figure out which way he'd gone... someplace he'd go... someone he was close to maybe... Ah! I had an idea of where he might have gone and started down in that direction.

A cold breeze blew and I immediately regretted not grabbing my jacket. While the weather might have been getting warmer, it was still a bit cold after the sun went down. It was even colder for me, considering that I was wearing a t-shirt. Clearly, there was no planning for this on my part.

Noises nearby make me freeze. My eyes dart around, looking for the source, but I see nothing. If I were your average person, then I'd simply write it off as nothing more than the wind, but I know better.

Nighttime is the time when the darker creatures show their faces. Vicious werewolves... bloodthirsty vampires... now is the time when they're most active. There's no doubt in my mind that I'm more than likely going to encounter at least one of them, though I certainly hope I'm wrong. But being a human girl out alone when night's most dangerous hour approaches, I'm practically asking for trouble. And it's not long before I find it. Or rather, it finds me.

He seemed to appear out of nowhere, startling me. There's a vicious look in his eye and I have no doubts that this might end badly. The man's a vampire, as I can quickly figure out and that instantly puts me on edge.

"You look lost," the stranger said, his voice almost like an amused purr. He takes a step forward and I'm already trembling. "Why don't you let me help you?" A smirk spreads across his face, revealing a set of fangs. A vampire, just as I knew he was.

He's getting close by the second, yet I can't seem to move. Vampires terrify me and that's coming back to bite me now. Then, a figure steps in between me and the approaching vampire, their back to me. The vampire instantly halted his movements.

"She doesn't need any help from you." I knew that voice like I knew the back of my hand. That was Akira's voice. Seeing the back of his volleyball jacket confirmed it.

He doesn't look at me, doesn't even take his eyes off the other guy. "Go home." His voice is calm and directed at me. As I opened my mouth to protest, to say that I didn't want to leave him here alone, he cut me off. "I'll come back, I promise."

Upon arriving back home, I decided that I'd wait up for him. His mother waited with me for a short time, but as it was late, she went to bed. I was left sitting alone, the front door constantly in my sight. No matter how tired I was or how long the minutes began to feel, I stayed awake, waiting.

After what felt like an eternity, the door swung open, and in stepped a figure. He was a bit beat up, but there was no mistaking him. Mere seconds after he was through the door and in spite of the fact that I was exhausted, I ran to Akira and threw my arms around him.

He didn't say a word, just wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. "Don't worry me like that..." My grip on him tightened. "I... I was scared that I would never see you again..."

"I'd never do that to you..." Akira said softly as tears of relief welled up in my eyes. "I promise that I would never do anything to hurt you. I love you."

If there's one thing I knew about Akira, it was that he never breaks a promise.

Several Years Later...

His arms wrapped around my waist from behind. "You're home early," I hummed, continuing my cleaning. Akira's lips brush against my neck for just a second before seeking out my own. "How'd it go?"

"Dad's the same as ever," he said, a slight chuckle in his voice as he gently ran his hand over my swollen belly. "Mom's excited though."

A smile spread across my face as I turned to face him. "More excited than you are?"

"No one could be as excited as I am," he stated, a smile breaking out as the baby kicked right by my husband's hand. His eyes looked up from my stomach to meet my gaze. "I'll never let anything happen to you or him."

"Is that a promise?"

"It is."

Not once did Akira ever break his promise that day or any other that followed it.

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