Why Not Me? (Koutaro Bokuto)

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Wizzy: Okay, so before someone goes and whines about "consent," just don't. We're not going there today.  Anyway... originally this was going to be a lemon. I had pretty much all of the story written except for that part, but it just didn't quite feel right to put that in. So I finished up the end this morning and so here it is.

 I sighed for what felt like the millionth time since I'd started doing these dishes. With Tetsuro away for work, every second seemed to pass by like an hour and with it being a trip that was a few weeks long, that felt like an eternity...

There was still another week before he was supposed to be home, but the days without him so far have really taken their toll... I've become rather frustrated, in more ways than one... Though I suppose that it doesn't help to have our roommate here, consider the male's rather unusual personality.

Bokuto had been a friend of Tetsuro's for years before I'd met them. Of course, I met them shortly before moving in with them. They couldn't cook and didn't want to live off of instant ramen, while I was in need of a place to live after my roommate kicked me out so that her boyfriend could move in. Really, it was an act of fate. A couple of years later, Tetsuro and I started dating.

Things worked out well between us and we never fought. Maybe there was an occasional friendly debate, but never an actual argument. I was normally the type to avoid conflict, but even so, I always thought it was strange... a normal couple would have at least fought once after being together two years, right?

"You're sighing way too much... you really that lonely with Kuroo gone?" I looked over my shoulder after hearing Bokuto's voice so close by.

Turning back to the dishes that I'd been washing, I nodded. "It's been two weeks already and he's going to be gone another week..." Just as I was saying that though, my phone chimed with a familiar tone... one that I used only for my boyfriend's texts.

Knowing that I couldn't grab it, Bokuto grinned and scooped it up, effortlessly typing in the code to unlock my phone and read the text. As he read it though, his smile quickly faded. He turned the phone to show me and right away I understood his sudden change in expression.

Something came up, so I have to stay a while longer.

That was all the message said... he didn't even bother to say why or even say sorry or even a simple "I love you." I might have been overreacting a bit, but it really hurt to have him say it like that. As my face fell, Bokuto turned the phone off and laid it on the counter. These times weren't easy on him either, but at least for him, it was just his best friend that was away and not his lover.

Later that evening, I laid back on the couch, sighing yet again. I missed him... I missed him so much... Maybe it was kind of childish, but I wished that he never had to go away like this... this definitely wasn't the first time and I knew it wouldn't be the last either.

As I began counting the spots on the ceiling to pass the time, the face of a certain owl-haired ace blocked my view, his golden eyes staring down at me. "You're not allowed to make that face." I frowned, not knowing what he was talking about. "Yeah, that face. You're only allowed to smile whenever I'm around, got it?"

At that, I couldn't help but smile.

Bokuto backed up a bit, letting me sit up as he took the spot beside me. "He really doesn't deserve you, you know..." It wasn't unusual for him to talk a bit badly of Kuroo, but he'd never actually done so when Kuroo wasn't around, so it was a bit of a surprise. "Leaving you waiting like this... and all alone... That's just cruel..."

"I'm not alone..." I quickly pointed out, poking the larger male's forehead. "I've still got you, you know." If I'd known then what would happen next, I probably would have never said that... Well, I probably still would have just because that's just how I was.

His hand came up and caressed my cheek lightly for a second before being pulled away. If I'd know what he was thinking right then, I would have known to run away from him.

Before I'd had a chance to question his actions, I felt my back hit the soft cushion of the couch and firm grip on my wrists, pinning them down beside my head.

"Bokuto, what are you-"

"You like this kind of thing, right?" Had it not been for his serious expression, I might have thought that he was just messing around. How he knew what I liked in the bedroom was something I wasn't sure I wanted to know. Kuroo probably let it slip at some point, but I really didn't like the idea of someone who wasn't my boyfriend knowing about what I liked in bed.

Knowing that this was a bad situation to be in, I tried to talk him out of this. "Bokuto..." I said his name in a warning tone, hoping that maybe it will convince him to stop. Of course, I never believed that he would force me or anything since I knew him better than that. He would stop if I wanted him to.

"You've been missing it, haven't you?" He cut me off, not letting me have an opportunity to stop him. "Vibration doesn't do it for you and your fingers can't get the job done, right?" Okay, he really should not have known that... and how did he even know that I'd been a bit frustrated sexually lately? I didn't get to ask. "I know that look... you get it whenever Kuroo hasn't touched you recently and for the past week you've had that look almost nonstop..."

In all honesty, I'd never expected Bokuto to be that observant. Well, maybe he could whenever he puts his mind to it. "Bokuto, we can't-"

"Why?" His expression turned dark as he grew frustrated. "Why does it have to be Kuroo? Why can't it be me, huh? What is so wrong with me? What does he have that I don't?" It's only then that I realized that maybe Bokuto wasn't as supportive of my relationship with Kuroo as I'd believed he was. "I liked you long before he did, but I kept my distance because Kuroo said that he wanted to ask you out..."

I don't have any answer that I can give him other than the fact that Tetsuro asked me out first and he was my boyfriend. Right then it should have been clear that something was wrong though. My answer should have been that I loved Tetsuro. Even though I did, that didn't feel like an answer I could truthfully give as the reason I was refusing Bokuto.

My lack of response and denial is taken as acceptance by the male pinning me. Before I can do anything, he pushes his lips onto mine. As I squirm beneath him though, he pulls back. His golden eyes give me a piercing stare, making my voice freeze in my throat. I can't make myself tell him to stop... or say anything at all...

When the deed is finished, Bokuto collapses beside me on the couch, his arms trapping me against his chest. I couldn't help but feel guilty... Not only had I just cheated on my boyfriend, but I'd also cheated with his best friend... and what was worse, I'd actually enjoyed myself.

I am a horrible girlfriend...

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