He Needs To Know (Yuu Nishinoya)

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Wizzy: Finally got Part 2 done for Noya's Soulmate AU.

I wanted to tell him. I didn't want to tell him. Every time I'd thought I'd made up my mind on whether or not I wanted to tell Nishinoya the truth, it would always change on me.

He didn't remember anything about me or even the fact that we were soulmates. If I were to tell him now, it might stir up old memories that he'd wanted to bury away. I'd left him without a word and that might have hurt him really badly. The last thing I wanted was to make him hurt.

But he deserved to know the truth, right? Noya could be devastated about having met his soulmate and not knowing who it is. Everyone deserves to know who their soulmate is, you know?

Why did it all have to be so confusing? Why did I have to be his soulmate? Why couldn't I be stuck with a jerk like that guy from the soccer club who was standing right here in front of me and not a wonderful guy like Nishinoya? I wouldn't feel so horrible if it were like that. Speaking of which I should probably be paying attention to this idiot who's trying to show off for me or at least look like I'm paying attention.

The guy was someone I really didn't know. Couldn't even tell you his name. All I knew was that he thought I didn't know my soulmate and was trying to get somewhere with a cute girl who might be a bit lonely and therefore vulnerable. Tough luck for him; I knew my soulmate and most definitely had no interest in this guy.

For the poor guy's sake though, I at least tried to act like I had some interest. But as my sights fell on a familiar face passing by, I lost all focus on the stranger who was trying oh so desperately to get my attention. Then out of nowhere, a ball was sent flying straight to his head, knocking the short boy to the ground.

"Noya!" Before I even knew what I was doing, I was already at his side and looking down at him. Tears were forming in the corners of my eyes, but I held them back. I didn't even think about the people nearby who were staring at us or even his friend that had been walking with him; I was far too worried about if Nishinoya was alright.

A few seconds later, he sat up a little. Apparently, the hit had only stunned him a little. Though it was possible he had a concussion, but he seemed to be fine. I was really relieved about that, but still, I couldn't help but let a few tears escape. "Don't scare me like that..."

A flicker of emotion appeared in his eyes, though I had no idea what it was. I was too worried about him to think of anything. He was quiet a moment and then out of nowhere, "Your eyes are really pretty."

All I could do was stare. He'd said those same words back when we first met.

He had to know. No more running from the truth. "I'm so sorry!" I blurted out, hugging him impulsively. "I'm a terrible person! Horrible! I've known all this time and I hid it from you!" And before I knew it, everything was spilling out, like a cup that was filled too full.

After I'd finished saying what I'd been so afraid to say, I couldn't move. The fear of what he'd say had replaced the fear of telling him the truth.

But as quickly as that fear had taken hold of me, it was dissolved by the arms that wrapped around me. The words that came out of Nishinoya's mouth were the best ones that I could have possibly heard. "I've missed you."

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