Thief 2 (Atsumu Miya)

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After I'd shoved him, Atsumu seemed to have gotten the hint that I didn't want to see him. He left without a fuss... which I was grateful for. I wasn't in the right mind to hold a conversation with him.

The next day though, I didn't sit under the tree. Of course, I was still very upset with him. Unfortunately, Atsumu still showed up in his fox form, as if nothing had happened.

I didn't go out to meet him though. He ended up sitting at the back door, simply staring inside with sad eyes. No doubt he wanted to make me feel sorry for him and just forget what he did. That wasn't going to happen.

For a while, I managed to push him out of my mind. My mother had questioned why I hadn't wanted to spend time with my napping buddy when she saw him staring in, but I simply told her to ignore him. She didn't ask after that and I assumed that he had gone home after a while.

It's not until after dinner when I'm finishing up with washing the dishes that I think of him again. There's the pattering of rain on the roof. It's been raining for a couple of hours now...

For a moment, I wonder if he actually did go home... or if he was still there waiting by the door. The thought alone pains my heart. Surely he wasn't that stupid... but as much as I want to think that, I can't help but check.

No more than a minute later, I'm wrapping that soaking wet idiot fox in a towel and carrying him inside.

"I can't believe you..." I sighed, setting him on the couch, still wrapped up in the towel. He's shivering so much... but that's what he gets for sitting out there in the rain for hours. "Why couldn't you just go home?"

Atsumu didn't answer, only stared at me weakly as I tried to dry him off. One towel definitely wasn't going to be enough... "You're really lucky that I'm not a heartless bitch... and even luckier that I even thought about checking on you. Would you have sat there all night if I didn't?"

Again, he didn't say a word and just looked up at me. His eyes remind me of a sad puppy... with just a glimmer of something else. Hope, maybe? Hope that maybe, just maybe, I'll forgive him. Forgiveness doesn't come that easily.

As I tried to dry more of his fur, he crawled forward. His paws crept up to my shoulders as he pressed himself to my chest. Some sort of weird hug, I guess?

The sound of the doorbell catches my attention and I go to stand, but Atsumu won't let go. With a sigh, I simply pick him up and carry him with me to the door. My shirt is going to be all wet after this, but it's better than having to pry this guy off me.

When I open the door, it's not much of a surprise that Osamu is there. From the look on his face, he'd come here solely to get Atsumu. Maybe he'd assumed he'd be here when Atsumu hadn't come home.

"The hell ya doing botherin' her?" Osamu reaches for the fox in my arms. Atsumu only clung to me, his paws hooking over my shoulders in an attempt to hold on. His face buried itself in my neck. A silent plea to not let Osamu take him.

Osamu removed his hands and instead crossed his arms. "Haven't ya done enough? Let her be already."

Atsumu only clung tighter. He's still shaking, but this time I'm not sure if it's from being cold and wet or just fear... fear that if he lets go, he'll lose what little chance he has.

It's enough to tug at my heartstrings... and I can't help but bring a hand up to gently pet his head. I should still be mad at him... but he's making that really difficult. "I... it's okay if he stays for a little bit... I think... I think there are a few things that we need to talk about..."

Talking to him is the last thing I want to do right now and I'm pretty sure that Osamu can tell that, but he doesn't mention it. Instead, his words are aimed at his twin that was in my arms. "Don't go and fuck this up too. I won't help ya fix it. This is yer only chance."

It's not until Osamu had left and I'm sitting back on the couch that Atsumu relaxed. He let me finally pry him off and set him on the towel that I'd been using to dry him.

Those pitiful puppy eyes are still staring at me. "You can't just guilt me into forgiving you." It's far too soon to forgive him, but he really is making it hard to stay mad. "Cheater or not, it wasn't your decision to make." Sure, I would have broken up with the guy if I'd found out he was cheating, but that wasn't the point here. "What were you thinking? Better yet, why did you even care in this first place?"

Atsumu placed a paw on my knee but still didn't say anything. "Atsumu, this is the point where you really need to start talking," I sighed. Clearly, he wasn't going to apologize... or even explain himself. "Forget it. I'm going to bed."

As I moved to stand, he grabbed hold of my shirt. Another silent plea. "Atsumu, you never shut up any other time. Now start talking or I'm going to call Osamu and have him take you."

It's a bluff and he knows it. He knows that I don't have his number... and I certainly don't know where he lives either. Even knowing that, it's still enough to get him to talk. "I'm not sorry," he said, letting go. "I'll never be sorry for breaking ya up. He was a jerk and I know ya would be better off without him."

Well... at least he was being honest about it. He backed up, sitting down before looking at me. "And I'm not sorry for the other stuff either. I'd do it all again just to get ya to notice me."

I can't help the way that a smile tugged at the corners of my mouth. Ever the shameless one... but I suppose that was Atsumu for you. "Atsumu, I'm not mad about the other things. Well, maybe a little about the underwear. I liked that pair... but that's beside the point." I tried to ignore the way he pinned his ears back. "Why did you do it? It's not like there was anything between us..."

His ears seemed to drop even further. "So I didn't have a chance at all?"

"Atsumu, until yesterday you were just some random fox who kept taking naps with me." It's a harsh fact for him, but it needed to be said. "This is the first time we've ever even talked." I wasn't counting yesterday, because that wasn't really much of a talk. More like I yelled at him.

"I tried to." He laid down, chin on my knee. "Every time I could get near ya, you would leave or someone else would get in the way... or ya would fall asleep..." He gave a small sigh. "I... I saw him, ya know? With that other girl... It pissed me off... How could he do that to ya? Ya don't deserve that... When I found ya sleeping again, I just kinda did it. I'm not sorry I did it... I'm just sorry that it made ya mad..."

The way he said it, it seemed like he wanted to play it off as being for my sake, but really, it was for his own selfish reasons. I let out a sigh and looked away from him. "That still doesn't make it any better."

A hand touched my cheek, turning me back to face him before lips met mine. The kiss is soft and a lot sweeter than I would have expected of Atsumu. I don't push him away, but I also don't kiss him back. No, I let him have his moment and don't react.

"Atsumu, I'm not going to date you." He frowned at my words. "I literally broke up with my boyfriend yesterday... I'm not just going to jump right into a relationship... so not yet, okay?"

I swear I could see his ears perk up. "Yet? You mean I've still got a shot?"

"You would have had more of a chance if you just told me instead of breaking up with him for me, but yes. You still have a chance... but you do have to give back my underwear that you stole."

"No. They're mine now."

"Pervert. If you don't give them back, then you can't steal my heart."

"I'll do it anyway."

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