Tomorrow (Koutaro Bokuto, Tetsuro Kuroo) *Mature*

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Wizzy: Okay, so there's no clean version of this one. Also, it is based on a dream that I had, in which I had sex with Bokuto and he suggested that I also did with Kuroo.
Okay, why did I even think this was a good idea?  

Also, I'd like to point out that I usually write based on my real-life experiences, though I've never actually done something like this. Oh! And kids, always use protection during sex! It might take away some of the fun, but that's better than dealing with whatever other things might come from it.  

Unfortunately, this didn't turn out as well as I'd originally planned. Anyway, hope you enjoy.

Also, the "Like You" Bokuto one-shot was originally supposed to be the sequel to this.

When I'd been told that I had to convince Bokuto and Kuroo to hand ourselves over to them, I didn't think that it would be that difficult of a task. About a hundred lives were relying on the three of us. It was promised that if we sacrificed ourselves, the other would be safe from harm. However, if we failed to hand ourselves over by sunrise tomorrow, everyone would be killed and the three of us would then be hunted. Well, that's the message that was given to me, at least.

All attempts at convincing Kuroo were complete and utter failures. I can't say I really blame him; we're going to die if we give ourselves up. But if we don't, our family and friends will be killed. It's really a no-win situation.

Thankfully I had more luck with Bokuto. He'd easily agreed to it... as long as I had sex with him. Being the guy he is, getting any girl to think about him even a tiny bit seriously was next to impossible and he really didn't want to die a virgin. Which brings us to the present moment.

Bokuto's thrusts stop abruptly. "Maybe you could have sex with Kuroo too," he suggested, offering a solution to the Kuroo problem. "It might convince him." Okay, the time to bring that up would have been earlier, not right now when we were in the middle of such an indecent act.

"You really think he'd agree to that?" I was tempted to scold him for stopping so suddenly but restrained myself since he did come up with a useful idea. However, time wasn't on our side, so there was no guarantee that I could pull that off and still manage to get some sleep before the deadly hour arrived.

"I know he would." Bokuto gave me that stupid cute grin of his. Tonight may be the last time I ever got to see it... "He was always going on about how hot you were and how he wanted to screw your brains out." His smile faded as I assumed another thought came to his mind. "But you might not have enough time to finish me, find Kuroo, convince him, screw him and then be ready to die tomorrow..."

And to think people think he's a complete idiot... He was right though. Our time was really limited and I doubted Bokuto would want to give up his last chance to lose his virginity. "I guess that means no sleep for me tonight."

"Unless you do both of us at the same time." As crazy as it seemed, that was a brilliant idea. It might only save a small amount of time, but at this point, every minute counted.

And so we set about finding Kuroo. Thankfully it didn't take long to find him and we just as quickly convinced him to help us. However, there was a slight change in the plan.

We weren't going to hand ourselves over to be killed, but we weren't going to just sit around and let our loved ones die. We were going to do something completely insane and no doubt suicidal: we were going to break in and rescue everyone. Sure, we're probably going to die anyway, but as long as we die, the others are safe. It's much better to die honorably in battle rather than by the executioner's hand... or so my grandfather used to say.

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