Speak (Shohei Fukunaga)

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Wizzy: I think I had a little too much fun with this one. By the way, what the hell is Fukunaga doing in that picture?

Same old stuff... Same old boring practices...

I let out a sigh as I watched the boys' volleyball club as they practiced. Personally, I never really cared for volleyball. If my grandfather wasn't the coach, there was no way in hell that I would be the manager. In fact, if I had a choice, I'd quit.

Moving here to live with my grandfather hadn't been my decision either. No way. My parents wanted me to straighten up and learn some proper manners. So I had to leave my happy little life in the U.S. to start a boring one here in Japan. Lame, right?

Though I will admit, a certain fellow had caught my eye in a way that others hadn't before. He was a quiet guy; I don't think I've ever heard him say a word. But sometimes I'd see him laughing, though I never knew just why.

As I watched the boys, I caught a fragment of conversation between two first years, a second-year and a third-year. One first year was talking about a rumor he'd heard about one of his female senpais. "-slept with half the guys in her old high school!"

The second year, Kozume, seemed very uninterested in the conversation. The other first year and the third year, Inuoka and Kuroo, seemed a bit surprised by the rumor the one first year, Lev, was telling them. "There's no way..." Inuoka said.

Lev nodded quickly. "Our manager would do something like that! I even saw her sneaking out of an empty classroom the other day with-" Not wanting my personal life revealed like that, I snatched a volleyball up and threw it straight for the back of the tall boy's head, hitting it hard enough to shut him up.

My actions earned me a scolding from my grandfather, Nekomata-sensei, and some snickering from one of the second years, Fukunaga. Seeing him gave me an idea. I called out to him, telling him I needed his help with some stuff in the clubroom later. I didn't actually need help, but I decided to use this as an opportunity to force the silent boy to speak.

Later on, as I expected, Mr. Silent waited for me in the clubroom. We sat together, going through a stack of papers I'd brought. Though the whole time, he still had yet to say a single word.

I was about to say something as I discovered something that wasn't supposed to be there. A picture. In it were eight members of the volleyball club that I quickly recognized. As my eyes fell on one individual, I couldn't help but laugh. "What the hell are you doing, Fukunaga?"

Holding the picture up so that he could see, I only got a small shrug and a laugh in return. What was it going to take to get just a word out of this guy?

Deciding this required a more forceful approach, I tackled him to the ground while he seemed to be distracted. Pinning him down and climbing over him was much easier than expected. "Damnit! Why won't you speak?" I growled at the boy beneath me.

My response was a calm stare. Then out of nowhere, I found our position reversed. Now I was trapped under him. He leaned close to my ear and I could feel his breath on my neck. "Have you ever thought that maybe I prefer doing over talking?"

Unable to come up with any sort of response, I laid there frozen. Fukunaga was smirking, I just knew he was. He leaned in just long enough to nibble the side of my neck just below my ear before suddenly standing up and walking out the door.

His laughing could be heard even after he was long out of sight. I'd been so caught up in my mission that I didn't consider that he'd had his own. That mission, apparently, had been to foil my own.

Well played, Fukunaga, well played...

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