Studying Is No Fun (Chikara Ennoshita)

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"I'm never going to understand this..." I mumbled, setting my head down on the table quite loudly.

My study partner just sighed. Chikara Ennoshita was a smart guy; He never got bad grades. Me? Sure, I might have been somewhat smart, but that didn't mean I got good grades. Math, in particular, was extremely difficult for me; which was the reason I'd asked Ennoshita for help.

Of course, that really wasn't helping all that much. "Stupid, stupid, stupid..." I mumbled, repeatedly hitting my forehead against the table's surface. As if hitting my head repeatedly was going to magically make me smarter.

Hands placed themselves on my shoulders, pulling me up from the table. As I tried to return to my former position, Ennoshita held me firmly in place. "Hitting your head a thousand times isn't going to help," he said calmly. Hitting my head might not help me pass the next test, but giving myself a concussion might give me an excuse to skip it. "Not unless your goal is to give yourself brain damage. But you'll still have to take the test."

With a sigh of frustration, I leaned back into Ennoshita and turned my head upward to look at him. "You sure my genius plan of you taking the test for me won't work?" The only answer I got was his usual smile.

Earlier, I'd suggested that he disguise himself as a girl and take the test for me. Obviously, he'd refused. "I don't look anything like you, so it'd never work," he'd said and that "Hinata is the only one who could pull off pretending to be you, but he'd just fail the test anyway." I couldn't argue with that; he was 100% right.

"I'm going to fail..."

"No, you're not."

"How do you know?" I sat up and turned to face him.

Ennoshita smiled."How many times have you failed after I've helped you study?" Despite how hard I tried to think of one time, I couldn't. Every time he'd helped me study, I'd done well on the test we were studying for.

"Never..." I sighed, crossing my arms across my chest. "I still hate studying though. It's no fun."

Once more the boy sighed. "If you hate it so much, then you shouldn't keep asking me to help you study..."

"No way!" I said a little too quickly. "I might not like studying, but I do like studying with you!"

Ennoshita laughed and we quickly picked up where we'd left off. In the end, the only thing different from when we started was the blush that covered my face after my embarrassing little outburst.

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