Not You (Toru Oikawa)

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Wizling: Oh look! It's an Oikawa X Wizzy one-shot!

Wizzy: Shut up Wizling, it is not. It's just one of my usual Readers.

Wizling: Really? Because it sounds an awful lot like how you feel about him. Stop being such a tsundere and admit that you like him.

Wizzy: Yeah that'll happen when hell freezes over.

Wizling: So you'll admit that you think he's attractive and that you want to screw him, but you will deny liking him even just a bit?

Wizzy: I will never admit that I like him.

Wizling: You just did.

Wizzy: No I didn't.

From the very second I met him, I could already tell what kind of person he was. From the very beginning, I knew that I should stay away from him. I didn't want to be anywhere near him... I didn't want to fall for someone like him. But as fate goes, the more you are denied something, the more you will desire to have it.

I don't even remember how we'd ended up here in this situation... It's not something that should have happened at all. Even with all of the effort I'd put into avoiding him... as hard as I tried not to feel anything for him... this shouldn't be happening right now.

He shouldn't be standing here right in front of me. My back shouldn't be against this wall. His hands shouldn't be caging me and preventing my escape. This hallway we're in shouldn't be empty. Neither of us should be here right now.

As much as I willed it not to, my body wouldn't quit trembling. That didn't go unnoticed by Oikawa, being the observant guy that he was. It wasn't that I was actually scared... it was more like nervous. Being close to him always set my heart aflutter, no how much I scolded it for such an undesired reaction to such a terrible person.

His body is much too close to mine and it sends my senses into overdrive. It's too much for my little heart to handle, but I'm trapped. All I can do is close my eyes to shut out the image of him. But as they say: when you shut off one sense, the others grow stronger.

Oikawa's scent became overpowering, shutting out all other smells. The smell of his cologne is too much... or maybe it's his shampoo or maybe it's only his natural scent... It really doesn't matter because whatever it is, it's more than I can handle and I felt my resistance slipping away from me. I tried to hold my breath, but I just can't do it; his scent is too intoxicating.

I could feel the heat that radiates from his body draw closer. Now... now I'm scared. I want to run... to push him away... to yell at him to not touch me... but my body refuses to move and my voice seems to have vanished. His breath is on my skin and the feelings welling up inside me skyrocket to dangerous levels.

There's a blush on my face, of that I'm sure. "Don't..." What little voice comes out, comes as barely a whisper. Oikawa can hear the trembling in my voice... he can see those painful feelings that I've failed to suppress.

"Your voice says to stop," his voice whispered against my lips where his own hovered barely a centimeter away, "but your body keeps begging me to touch you..." One hand left its position on the wall and make a new place on my hip, tauntingly playing with the hem of my shirt.

"Please don't..." My voice is even more broken this time. I needed him to stop and walk away because I couldn't do it. He was right in what he said; my head and my heart were at war with each other. One said to push him away; one said to push myself closer and close that small distance between us.

His other hand left the wall and found a resting place where his thumb could stroke my cheek. His light touches are too much and I could feel myself beginning to crack. I'll either melt into this wall or into his arms... I'm not even sure which of those I would prefer anymore.

I want to beg him to stop. My heart can't take any more of this. I know he doesn't really care for me... why would he care for a nobody like me? I want to tell him to stop, but I can't even find my voice anymore. I never wanted this! I don't want to fall for someone like him!

My eyes close tighter as I feel him get closer and closer and finally closing the gap between us. Soft skin caresses my own and I felt the space between our bodies vanish. One arm wrapped around my waist to pin me in place while the other hand tangled itself in my hair. It was then that instinct won out against logic and I returned his kiss.

His mouth curled into a smirk and then something soft glided across my lip. And before I even knew what he was doing, Oikawa had already slipped into my mouth and started wrestling around with my tongue. If merely being near him set my heart into overload, then this would make me blow a fuse.

All too soon the kiss is broken. Oikawa didn't dare release me; if he had, my legs would have given out on me. Though I knew I should push him away, I clung to him as I tried to calm my racing and pounding heart. Never in my life had I ever experienced such a moment... one that literally took my breath away.

"For someone who didn't want me to kiss her, you certainly got really into it," he teased, panting slightly. Apparently even the most experienced kissers got winded from a kiss like that.

Still, even after such an amazing and intimate moment, I didn't want to feel this way about Oikawa. Not when I could already see through that silly and playful act he puts up around others... I could see how terrible of a person he was and I didn't want to fall for him.

After my heart had calmed a bit, the thoughts that had been on my mind this whole time spilled out and he learned why I'd always acted the way did around him.

"Not you!" I cried out, my grip on his shirt tightening. "I don't want to fall for someone like you." I hid my face in his chest, hiding the tears that pricked the corners of my eyes. "Anyone but you... Please... I don't want to be in love with someone like you..."

Oikawa could tell I was crying; there was no way someone like him wouldn't notice it. But now he would finally understand. All those times I'd avoided him and even pretended not to hear him whenever he'd tried to talk to me... all the pieces were falling into place. But even so, that did nothing to solve my problem.

His hand tilted my head up and his lips met mine once again. This wasn't as spectacular as the last, in fact, it was merely a quick peck, but still it set my heart racing. "Then I'll just have to keep you close to me until you stop resisting and give yourself to me fully."

And as he closed the distance between us a third and even a fourth time, I kept reminding myself that I wouldn't let myself fall for Toru Oikawa. Of course, it was already far too late for that.

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