Writing With Wizzy (Bokuto, Oikawa, Terushima, Tsukishima, Akaashi)

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"Wizzy-chan..." I tried hard to ignore the voice of the energetic idiot who trying to get my attention. "Wiz-chan!"

"No, Bokuto," I said, not even looking at him. This was writing time, not "answer-every-annoying-as-hell-question-that-Bokuto-could-think-of" time.

Apparently, though, Bokuto was too stupid to take a hint. "Pay attention to me!"

Now I was getting pissed. "I said no."

"Wizzy-senpai..." Oikawa hummed, joining the energetic ace's attempt to steal my attention.

Did I saw I was pissed earlier? Yeah, that's nothing compared to now. "What?" I half-shouted at two. Wait, there's three. Terushima was there too and hadn't had a chance to say a word. Yet.

Oikawa, being the oh so observant guy he was, quickly picked up on my annoyance with the trio. "Never mind, you're angry so it can wait."

Okay, now you can probably guess that interrupting my writing annoyed me. So how do you think I feel when I get interrupted FOR NO REASON?! "Well, you already interrupted me so what do you want?"

"Aw, don't be like that..." Terushima used this moment to step in. He came forward and put an arm around my shoulder; which he quickly removed after a death glare from me. I could be scary... when I wanted to be. "You know you love us."

"You've got my attention, so what was so important that you had to interrupt my writing?"

"Are seriously telling me that you three are stupid enough to mess with her when she's in writing mode?" All eyes turned to face the blonde-haired boy who was scowling at them. No one could argue his words though. If there is one thing you do not do to Wizzy, it's interrupt her when she's in writing mode.

"Why can't you guys just leave her alone?" another voice sighed. As much as I hated to admit it, Akaashi probably got way more annoyed by this trio than I did, and that was saying a lot. "You know how she gets when you interrupt her."

"But I wanted to ask her a question!"

I was long past annoyed and just wanted them all to go away. Except for Akaashi. Akaashi was cool. "What is it Bakato?"

"Did you just..."

"Yes. I call him Bakato because he's an idiot."

"That's a bit mean, Wizzy..."

"So what did you want to ask, Bokuto?"

"How come I'm the only one you haven't written about?" Bokuto's pouting face was oddly adorable. "You wrote about Kuroo and Oikawa and Sawamura and even this jerk... But not me!"

"You know, he's got a point."

"Bokuto, she already did. You're the only one who actually has a finished story..." Akaashi, I love you. I couldn't handle that idiot without you.

Bokuto's face lit up. "Wait, really?" The owl-haired male immediately began cheering. We probably weren't going to hear the end of it now... and I certainly wasn't going to be getting any writing done today...

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