Secrets Between Friends (Takanobu Aone X OC Teruko)

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Despite how scary he'd seemed when I first met him, I quickly learned how kind Aone was. Even if you couldn't tell, he was always considerate of others' feelings. Now that I'd gotten to know him, I couldn't even see how anyone could think he was scary at all.

It was almost funny that the two of us even became such good friends. With him being such a quiet person and myself being quite shy, it was a miracle we'd even spoken to each other on our own. But that's what made our friendship special.

"Seiko and Seida are twins," I said with a smile on my face. He was curious about my friends, probably because they didn't live very close and I often met up with them. Of course, Aone had no idea why I met up with them so much. "They like to joke around, but they don't always know when they've gone too far."

Aone nodded, meaning for me to continue. "Then there's Kikyo." As I thought of her my face lit up and I spun a quick circle as we walked along the sidewalk. Among my friends, Kikyo was the one I admired the most. "She's really brave and tough. She's not afraid to hang out with boys or even pick a fight with them."

I heard a small chuckle from him. He probably found my excited state amusing. It was actually a rare thing for me. At least, it was when I wasn't alone. "And Tora?" he asked. Tora had been the only friend I'd ever mentioned to him by name. But even so, he still knew next to nothing about her.

As my thoughts drifted to Tora, I wasn't sure if I should smile or frown. As close as the two of us were, sometimes she really got on my nerves. "Tora's my best friend," I said, deciding to stay neutral. "She's fun and everyone loves her." I looked up at Aone's face before saying the rest. "Tora always teases me... She teases me about you the most..."

At that, he raised an eyebrow. Or he would have if he actually had eyebrows. He didn't ask, but I already knew the question on his mind. You tell her about me?

Embarrassed, I looked down at my feet while a blush spread across my face. "I-I tell Tora about everything..." I stuttered. That wasn't a lie, I've always told her everything.

Aone gently placed a hand on top of my head. At his touch, I looked up to see a gentle smile. I don't mind if you talk about me, he was silently saying. Or that was what I assumed it meant. But before either of us could say or do anything else, I heard my phone chime. More than likely it was a message from Tora.

Hey Kitten! Wanna do something today?

I flashed a quick glance at the boy next to me before telling her that I was with Aone. Her response came almost instantly, like she'd known exactly what I was going to say.

Ooh... I get it. Make sure you use protection ;)

The second I read her words, I dropped my phone out of shock. Aone's hand quickly shot out, snatching it out of the air before it had a chance to hit the ground and break. "You're so mean, Tora!" I quietly cursed the girl who wasn't there.

Once more, Aone raised a non-existent eyebrow. Unable to answer out of embarrassment, I simply let him read the short conversation. For the first and probably the only time, I saw a light blush paint his face. Now he understood exactly what I'd meant when I said Tora always teased me.

He looked away from me and the expression on his face drastically changed. I opened my mouth to ask what he was looking at, but he stopped me by grabbing me and making me stand in a certain spot. Aone's eyes flicked back and forth between something that was now behind me and my confused self.


He didn't say a word, only pointed at the mystery thing behind me. When I finally turned to see, my heart sank. The object that had caught his attention was a simple poster stuck up in a store's window. But it was what was on it that worried me.

It was a poster for a band that was starting to get popular. It showed the five members, each wearing a cat-girl styled costume based on each girl's stage name. But it was the girl in the middle that had caught Aone's eye. I knew because that girl was the lead singer, known as Kitty Kat. I also knew exactly why: I was Kitty Kat.

The fact that he'd just read a text where Tora had called me Kitten, which was the nickname that inspired the stage name, only supported it. Seeing me right next to her and comparing the personality that Kitty Kat was known for and the one I had, Aone could tell that we were an exact match.

Now he knew. He knew my deepest, most covered-up secrets. Knowing that he knew made fear surge through me. Desperate, I took his hands in my own. "Promise me you won't tell anyone!" I begged, my hands trembling.

With Aone being the quiet type, I didn't expect he would go around telling the world about this, but you never know. I needed to hear him say it, to know he'd keep my secret. "I promise."

With my hands still shaking, I looked up at him. He was really going to keep it a secret? As a wave of relief swept over me, I let my emotions take over for just a moment. I wrapped my arms around Aone, hugging him tightly. "Thanks, Aone."

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