Kittyjiro (Kenjiro Shirabu, Eita Semi, Wizzy-senpai)

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"SemiSemi~" I sang, jumping on the male's back from behind.

Semi rolled his eyes. "You're in an especially good mood... who'd you torture today?"

"Rude!" I stepped away from him and crossed my arms. "And to think I was gonna show you my precious treasure...."

The setter let out a sigh. "So? What is it?"

I grin big as I pull my phone from my pocket and quickly pull up the photo. Immediately his eyes go wide in shock. "You did not..."

"Wizzy did."

"Impossible. You photoshopped it."

"It's real." I grinned proudly as a couple of our fellow third-years joined us. Their surprise was almost as entertaining as Semi's.

Tendo's smile was about as big as my own. "So how'd you get him to do it?"

"Never doubt the Game Master."

When it came time for volleyball practice, I was still in a good mood. Why wouldn't I be? I have such a wonderful new treasure!

"Shiraneko~" Tendo hummed, getting the attention of the second year.

Shirabu frowned. "What did you just call me?"

"I just said your name is all~" Tendo shrugged, acting like he hadn't said anything out of the ordinary. "You look especially grumpy today, Shiraneko. Something bothering you?"

It takes all my willpower to not giggle. The second-year doesn't look any more grumpy than usual, so I know Tendo is just trying to pick on the poor boy.

Shirabu frowned. "I'm the same as I always am...." For just a minute, he glanced my way. The smile on my face gives it all away.

You bitch, you told him, his glare seemed to say. He won't dare to say it out loud... he would never insult his senpai like that.

This doesn't go unnoticed by the ever-observant Tendo. "Aw.... Shiraneko... you should know better than to feed her cat boy fetish~"

"Her WHAT?" The younger setter's eyes go wide... either in shock or in horror. Whatever the reason though, it's a comical sight.

Tendo smirked playfully. "Oh? You mean you didn't know? All the third years know... and Kawanishi... and Goshiki... And the rest of the team. Even the coaches know." Shirabu's face grew pale. "Us third years even had a little bet going... She said she could get  pictures of everyone on the team wearing cat ears... none of us thought that she would actually get you to do it... but I guess she got you, huh, Shiraneko?"

The setter looked torn between being pissed and being ashamed. Can't say I blame him, but it's not like I did it purely for the bet... As I said, the picture was my new treasure.

"Don't look so sad, Kittyjiro," I hummed, a happy grin spread across my face. "At least I didn't share it to the third years' group chat... like I did with Goshiki's."

The first year's eyes widen in horror as he hears me. He can't be mad though, since I never said that I wouldn't share it.

"And Hayato and Reon's too," Tendo added, still grinning. "She wouldn't share Wakatoshi's though. It's a shame... people would pay big to see that one~"

Just to tease, I pulled the picture up on my phone, proving that I did indeed have it as I flashed it at them. Just as quick as I showed it though, I locked the device again. Gotta protect my treasures.

"She doesn't share the ones that she deems treasures, you know. That makes yours special, Shiraneko~" Tendo's arm went around the younger setter's shoulders. The redhead leaned in close like he was going to whisper in his ear, but he doesn't lower his voice and speaks loud enough for us all to hear. "She's totally getting off to it tonight~"

Shirabu's face immediately goes dark red. "S-she wouldn't!" He looked at me, looking a bit panicked.

"She would, wouldn't ya, Wiz-chan?" Tendo hummed.

Now I could be a nice senpai and say that I wouldn't, but what fun is that? Instead, I simply shrugged, making Tendo laugh.

"See? Told ya so~" He took his free hand and messed up the setter's neat hair. "You're still only second best compared to SemiSemi though... but she doesn't have his yet."

Immediately I perked up. That's right... "SemiSemi~!" I called out, making the older setter flinch. He knew exactly what I wanted. "You promised that if Shirabu did it, that you would too!"

Semi frowned as he looked at me. "I didn't seriously think you could do it..."

"You promised!"

The setter sighed in defeat. He did indeed promise... and he wasn't a liar, so he couldn't just back out. "Fine..."

"Yay!" almost instantly, I produced a pair of fluffy white cat ears... the very same pair that I had used for each of my treasures.

"Do you carry those around all the time...?"

In no time, the ears are on Semi's head and I have my phone's camera ready to snap his picture. It's hard to hold still and to contain my squeals of excitement.

Tendo shoots Shirabu a look. Like he's saying 'This is why you're only second best.' The redhead holds his hands up to mimic a pair of paws. "SemiSemi, give us a 'Nya~'"


The last thing that I hear is Tendo's hysterical laughter before I hit the floor.

"SemiSemi, I think you just killed Wiz-chan."

SemiSemi and cat ears are a deadly combination.

Wizzy: The things SemiSemi does to Wizzy... Came across this ASMR video with his VA's voice... Starts off talking about cat ears... and immediately I'm dying. It has been on my mind almost nonstop all day.
Wizzy is weak to cat ears... and throw in Semi too? Wizzy can't. Wizzy. Just. Fucking. Can't.

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