Intro & Requests (Last Updated: 02-01-2022)

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Alright! Hey there! So after receiving several requests for the wonderful boys, I decided to give them their own set of One-Shots.

As of right now, I'm not actively taking requests. However, if you do have something you want to see, you're more than welcome to suggest it! If you catch my interest, I just might do it.

1. I don't write about OC's unless they are my own. Sorry, but it's just easier for me this way. Trying to completely learn someone else's character is very much a pain and unfortunately, they're almost always painfully cliche or terribly made.

2. I don't do Female X Female content. Haikyu is nearly all guys anyway, so it's rather irrelevant anyway. This is because when I write, I put my mind into that of the character I'm writing. As a female, I'm not attracted to other females in the slightest. This is my personal preference. Because of that though, I can't imagine being attracted to a female as a female. It's a little beyond my current state. I used to feel similarly about Male X Male content. (You ever notice that I haven't done many male readers?)

3. Pairings are okay, but let's not go crazy with the ones that are super overdone. They must also make sense. As hot as Semi X Shirabu might be, there is no way that's gonna work out without it being a toxic relationship. Incest is also out. Yes, Atsumu and Osamu would be super hot as a couple, but they are siblings. If you have siblings, you probably understand.

4. I don't usually do AUs, but now and then it keeps things interesting.

5. If you've got a little scenario that you'd like, feel free to say it. The sooner I know what I'm doing, the sooner it will get done. Or if you have something you really don't want in it. Talk to me. I'm human too.

8. I do some Lemons. More often than not, I'll also post a "Clean" version as well. This version will always come before the Mature one. Now and then I may include some kinks or fetishes. You're always welcome to ask me to include things like this in future stories. (Just keep some of the more... "disgusting" fetishes to yourself. Like pedophilia, anything involving adult baby things... urine-related stuff.... keep those to yourself. Those you just don't share with people and are going to be an immediate no from me.)

Alright, so now that's out of the way, I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I enjoyed writing them.

Also, I'd very much like to apologize for one of the last times that I updated the rules. They came off very badly. I'm really not homophobic as many people seemed to have assumed. Just because I don't want to write about a certain thing doesn't mean I'm against it.

If I didn't want to write about sexual content, would that make me asexual? No. If I'm not comfortable writing about dogs, does that mean I hate them? No. People can change too. When I first started writing, I didn't want to even read Male X Male content. Now look at me. I can write it. Give it time. I'm only now getting back into writing for the first time in years. 

And a little warning to all of ya: be careful what ya wish. If ya say something in a comment, I might just do it. Even if it's not an official request, if I see something that catches my interest, I will probably do it.

Also, don't be afraid to comment! I read every comment, even if I don't always respond. I love hearing what you guys think! (Just don't give me five million comments whining about consent on the couple iffy chapters that are in here. (Specifically, a certain one of Oikawa's. I promise, it wasn't meant to seem that rapey -.- Might have to go back sometime and rewrite it.)

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