Help Me (Ittetsu Takeda)

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Make it stop... Please make it stop!

So many thoughts in my head... which ones are mine? So many voices... but I don't know any of them anymore.

No more! No more!

The breaking point is right there... Too close... I'm too close... Just one wrong move and I'm over the edge. Make it stop!

I want to scream. I want to cry out. But I can't do that. No, no. If I do then they'll know. They'd all know the madness that's slowly taking over. No more!

I clutch my head, digging my fingers deep into my skull. But it won't help. Nothing helps anymore. Nothing can save me from this ripping and tearing in my brain. Please make it stop!

Tears are threatening to spill out. I can't let them escape. No one must know. They'll think I'm crazy... Someone help me!

Please... I can't... I can't...

Someone save me...

"It's alright..."

A voice... is that in my head too?

"Calm down."

No, not in my head... Has someone come to take me away? Surely no one would try to help me... would they?

"It'll be alright..."

It's all too much... I'm over the edge. All I can do is cling to this voice and wait for the episode to pass... My body is shaking and tears begin to overflow... I open my mouth to speak, but the voice that escapes is nothing like my own... "Help me... Please make it stop!"

The owner of the voice soothingly strokes my hair until I begin to calm again. Though I can't help but wonder... who is this savior of mine? My sobs die down and eventually stop before I can get a look.

Staring back at me is a familiar face. One I'd seen almost every day for a long time now. "Takeda-sensei?"

"It will be okay."

It will be okay... That was such a simple thing to say when you didn't have a clue what went through my mind. It was impossible to believe that it would ever be okay. But I could never say that. No, I didn't have the strength to even try. All I could do was nod... and hope with all that was left of my being that what he said was true.

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