If The Start Is Different... (Kenma Kozume)

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Wizzy: Finally got Part 2 to Hurt.

Despite many people insisting that Kenma and I would make a good couple, we stayed friends. With my history with guys and relationships, it was sure to end badly if we got any closer than we were. No matter how much I might have wanted to get closer to him, I knew it would only end the same as it had every other time.

Lately, I'd been visiting him every weekend. We'd spend the entire time playing video games, but sometimes we'd talk a little about other things. It was usually little things like what had happened that week and what we'd been doing in school, but today, Kenma had something bigger on his mind.

"Kuro keeps telling me that I should ask you out," he said calmly, leaning back and staring up at the ceiling. "I tell him that you'll just say the same thing you said before." He turned his head to look at me. "When you said that you'd only end up hurting me, it sounded like a pathetic excuse. But I could tell that you really believed it."

As he talked about it, it felt like my entire body went cold. I expected that he'd now ask why I felt like that. Just thinking about telling him about it made me feel even more uneasy, but I guess he deserved to know.

Taking a deep breath, I slowly started to explain it as simply as I could. "Every time I've gotten close to someone, it's ended badly. And every time..." The words stuck in my throat and my hand clenched into a fist. I wanted desperately to forget all about it, but it was something that would haunt me for the rest of my life. "Every time it was my fault..."

I could feel my body shaking, but I wasn't sure why. Fear? Nervousness? Pain? Whatever it was, it wasn't pleasant. "You're talking about past boyfriends, right?" I nodded. Kenma was surprisingly smart for the way he seemed. "All those times, who took the first step?"

"They did," I answered him, not really seeing just what he was getting at.

Kenma turned his eyes back to the ceiling. He was never one for much eye contact. "So in theory, if you were the one to take the first step this time, then it would already be different than all the other times. Right?"

As much as I wanted to, I couldn't argue his logic. But taking that first step always required a certain level of confidence and courage, something I was lacking. My eyes shifted down to the floor. "I... I want to be closer to you..." My voice was shaking as I spoke, but I had to say it now or I never would. "I want it more than anything... but... the thought that I might hurt you if I get any closer makes me scared as hell..."

"You want to take that first step, but you're too scared to actually do it," Kenma said, summing up what I was feeling a little too easily. Maybe he'd felt the same way at some point. After a moment of quiet, he got an idea. "Let's leave it up to fate to decide."


I cast a wary glance in his direction. "We're evenly matched in this game." No, Kenma was actually slightly better, but today had been a sort of off day for him. "If I win, you take that first step today. If you win, you do it when you decide that you're ready."

It was a simple solution in a way, but too easily rigged. We started off playing our best, but as it went on, I realized something: I wanted Kenma to win. So I started playing at half-best, glancing at the quiet setter out of the corner of my eye. As a gamer, he had to play his best or it wouldn't have been right.

But I knew that if he didn't want to win, he wouldn't and that was enough to give me a small boost of courage. I tossed my controller aside and placed a hand on Kenma's cheek. What I wanted was to take that first step and to be with him. Turning his face towards me, I quickly closed the distance between us.

Extended Ending:

Kenma walked into practice to see the rest of his teammates waiting for him. Normally Kuroo would have walked with him, but he'd gone on ahead of him today. And now he stood there with everyone crowded around and staring at something on his cell phone.

"So how was it?" Kuroo asked, though Kenma had no idea what he was even talking about and simply looked at him in confusion. "I was seriously beginning to think you'd never lose it."

And now the young setter was even more lost. "What are you even talking about?"

"You losing your v-card yesterday."

Kenma just sighed. "Never happened." That hadn't been what had happened at all. The most that happened was a kiss. Or maybe a few.

Kuroo and the team didn't believe that. "Oh? Then explain this." The bedheaded captain held up his cell phone that was displaying a picture he'd taken the night before. In it was Kenma laying on his back with someone leaning over him. The picture wasn't that clear since it had been taken through two windows, but it appeared that this other person was kissing him. Of course, it appeared to be a lot more intimate than it really had been.

"My girlfriend fell on top of me when she tried to kiss me, that's all," Kenma said calmly, as if he were merely explaining a volleyball play.

Even so, Kuroo smirked. "I knew something happened with you two." The little setter didn't point out that he could only have known that if he were looking into Kenma's bedroom window from his own which (unfortunately for Kenma) was right across from his.

"Yes, but not what you're thinking in that perverted head of yours."

"You know you think that way too."

"I do not."

"Do too."

"Do not."

There was a moment of silence. "You do."

"Do not."

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