Like Me (Satori Tendo)

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Wizzy: I got thinking about things last night. Things made me feel rather down... made me feel like drunk ranting, but I don't drink. So I guess I'll settle for this. Might have been slightly inspired by a Satori Tendo ASMR thing I found... you might have heard it.

"I know that look."

My head turned to glance at the stranger who had taken the seat next to me. He already seemed a bit drunk, but who am I to refuse a little company? A distraction that I so desperately needed right now.

"You're just like me..." His voice is a bit slurred as he turned his red eyes on me. In his hand was a glass of a light brown liquid. Alcohol of some sort, no doubt. "I can see it in your eyes... you... you're thinking that you're a worthless failure... and that you don't even know... where... where you're go... going anymore..."

It's far too specific to be just a random guess, but far too close to the truth to merely be him projecting his own problems onto me.

I gave a short, bitter laugh. "When you're a kid, you think everything will be all sunshine and rainbows... You have stupid dreams and believe without a single doubt that you can reach them... no matter how ridiculous they really are..."

It's about then that I started to crack. "I... I had dreams once... Thought that I could be an author... Write stories to make the whole world feel something... I... I really thought... I really believed... I believed I could do it..."

The absolute last thing that I wanted to do was break down and cry in front of a total stranger. Even as I think that, there's a burning feeling in my eyes. Maybe it's the way he read me so easily at a single glance, but with the red-haired stranger beside me, I don't think I've ever felt so vulnerable.

"When was the last time that I even had a dream?" I can't even remember.

"Tendo, if you're just going to pester people, go home..." the bartender sighed. Must not be a first for him.

Beside me, the redhead shrugs. "Nowhere to go home to."

Maybe I felt sorry for him. Maybe I just wanted the company. Maybe I'm just that hopelessly stupid... Whatever the reason, I didn't even hesitate to ask. "Want to crash at my place?" His eyebrow raised in curiosity. "We can drink ourselves to oblivion and converse on our bitter failures..."

There's no reason for him to trust me, we both knew that. "What the hell?" He gave a shrug. "Let's do it."

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