Valentines (Seijoh)

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I've never cared for Valentine's Day. It never meant anything to me, so why should it be any different than a normal day? Though I must admit, if you have to spend a day meant for couples alone, I guess it is pretty sad. Maybe that's why I decided to do something for once.

I took out some red and pink paper and got to work. This wasn't something I could do all in one night, but luckily I had three. One night for this half; two for the other. It wasn't going to be easy, but it was definitely going to be worth it.

As I walked through the school hallways, I could already hear everyone's cheerful voices. Well, it was Valentine's Day, so it was really no surprise. All along the way to my class, I could hear everyone talking about a mysterious gift they'd

Smile more! Yours is great, so show it off a little more!

"Wow, your smile really is cute!"

Don't be so down! You're always on someone's mind!

"That's so sweet!"

Smile! It's Valentine's, so let's be happy!

"Yeah, let's be happy!"

Just hang in there! Happiness is right around the corner!

"Yeah, cheer up!"

Turn that frown upside down! You never know who'll fall for your smile!

"Aw, that's so sweet Iwa-chan! It's too bad you can't smile!"

"Shut up, Trashykawa!"

No matter how lame you think you are, I still think you're cool!

"Wow, whoever did this must have really been paying attention."

"Yeah," I heard one of the girls in my class saying as I sat down in my seat and pretended to be reading my book. "Whoever did these made every one of them totally unique and made them fit for whoever would get it. It's so sweet."

Beside her, another girl nodded. "They did one for everyone in the entire school too! Even the teachers! That's crazy!"

"They must not have wanted anyone to feel left out. I wonder who did it?"

I fought the urge to smile. Looks like my plan had worked. I'd made special chocolates for everyone in the school and attached a card with a short little message specifically for each individual. Took me three full days to get it done, but it was worth it. Of course, I'd done this anonymously and had printed the messages with my printer so that no one could even try to match the handwriting.

"Hey, what did yours say?" a voice asked near me. I didn't even realize the person was talking to me until a hand waved in front of my face.

I quickly looked up to see one of my classmates, Yahaba, staring at me. "Wha?"

"Your valentines thing," he said, asking again. "What message did the Valentine's Master leave you?"

My heart stopped for a second. I didn't really think about it much when I was doing it, but not having one would make me seem suspicious and give away that I was the one. Luckily I came up with a good reason. "I don't have one." The few who heard me gasped in shock. "My teeth are really sensitive to things that have high levels of sugar, so I can't have sweets." I didn't dare mention that sometimes I ate the stuff anyway. "Besides, I don't celebrate Valentine's Day anyway, so it wouldn't matter if I'd gotten one or not. It would have just been a waste of time for them."

Lucky for me, they bought the excuse. Though until lunchtime, everyone kept saying how bad they felt for me. But after explaining, most of them backed off. Of course, around that time I noticed someone else who'd been left out.

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