Tails (Hajime Iwaizumi)

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Wizzy: Just a quick lil one this time, with a Werewolf Iwaizumi. Goes along with the style of the Creature Collection, but isn't actually a part of it. I love Iwa-chan <3

"Will you stop that?" my boyfriend growled, swatting at my hands.

"But they're so cute and soft!" I pouted, hurt that he wouldn't allow me to play with his ears. It's rare for him to only partially transform like this, so why shouldn't I enjoy this moment?

Iwaizumi swatted my hands away again. "Knock it off already!"

Sighing, I moved to the opposite end of the couch. I crossed my arms and turned so I wasn't looking at him. Admittedly, this might have been a bit childish, but did he really have to be so mean about it? "Fine."

The room went silent, neither of us wanting to give up the fight. After a few minutes though, Iwaizumi sighed. "Why are you so stubborn about wanting to touch my ears?"

Slowly I shifted around to face him. "Because they're really cute... and they look so soft... and not just your ears... your tail too..." I scooted a little closer to him. Maybe he was gonna let me touch them.

His face tinted a bit red when I'd mentioned his tail. "They're not cute..."

"Hajime... why don't you want me to touch them?" As I asked, his face got a bit redder.

"I... it's not like I don't want you to touch them..." He avoided looking directly at me. "They're just... really sensitive..."

"I can be gentle."

"T-that'd be worse!"

I tilted my head, looking at him curiously. How could that be worse? Unless... "Hajime, do you get turned on by it?" Iwaizumi blushed darker. Yep. That made things a lot clearer. "You know that's okay, right? And it's not like you'd be the only one-"


Now it was my turn to blush. "Well... you see... I kind of got a thing for guys with animal ears... and tails... especially the tails..."

Slowly, a smile made its way onto my werewolf boyfriend's face. "Well... I guess that works out for us, huh?" He reached over, pulling me into his lap and his arms. Gently, he kissed my forehead. "Okay, you can touch them... but only if you're prepared for the consequences... and you don't act like Oikawa and pull my tail... I hate that."

"I think I can handle that."

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