Complicated (Kanji Koganegawa)

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Wizzy: More Creature Collection. If you read this, you'll need to read Kousuke Sakunami's as well. (Thus the reason I am posting both of them at the same time.)

No matter how much I tried, I just couldn't understand it. I'd always spend lunchtime with my two best friends, but lately, they'd come up with reasons to go off without me. It was clear that Sakunami and Koganegawa were just making up excuses, but as to why they'd suddenly start doing such a thing, I couldn't begin to guess.

At first, I didn't mind it; maybe they really did have something important to do. But after three weeks of them avoiding me? I couldn't just ignore that.

So today I was determined to find out why. However, I wasn't exactly having much luck with finding them. That is until I was nearby the gym that the volleyball team usually practiced in.

As I was about to turn around the corner, I quickly ducked back around out of sight. Peeking out around the edge, I found Sakunami standing there with a very large wolf staring up at him. Something about the way those two were reminded me of Koganegawa and Sakunami. The wolf even seemed to resemble him a bit, or maybe I only thought that because of its strange size.

Sakunami let out a sigh. "At this rate, you'll never get it right..." The wolf let out a small whine and looked down at its paws. "If you want to tell her how you feel about her, then you have to be able to control your transformations."

I'd heard of werewolves transforming at strange times. Sometimes it was when they were angry. Sometimes it was stress. Sometimes high levels of excitement. Most often though, it was probably nervousness. If I had to guess, that was why Sakunami was telling Koganegawa that he had to learn to control it before he could confess his feelings.

As shocking as it was to find out he was a werewolf, that's not what I was thinking about right now. That I could easily live with. No, I was much more concerned about what Sakunami had said. If you want to tell her how you feel...

Koganegawa had someone he cared for. Knowing that made my heart ache; I'd had feelings for him for quite some time now. To hear that there was someone else he loved... I couldn't stand it. No wonder they hadn't wanted me around. I mean, if you like a girl, hanging out with another girl isn't exactly going to help you get the girl you want.

I couldn't move. It was like time had frozen. I didn't hear anything anymore. I didn't see. Nothing. Like everything had completely vanished, leaving only the pain in my heart. It was too much for me. And until the massive body of Koganegawa nearly collided with me, I didn't even realize that lunch was over and that it was time to go back to class.

The two boys stopped and stared at me, but I couldn't even bring myself to look at them. It sounded like one of them was about to speak, but I didn't let him. "You should have just told me..." Don't cry. "I..." Whatever you do, don't cry. "I would have understood..." Don't cry... I can't cry now... "If..." Too late... I'm gonna cry... "If you didn't want me around, all you had to do was tell me..."

The tears started slipping out and I couldn't bring myself to continue. All I could do was turn my back to the two boys. "G-good luck..." I whispered, my voice breaking as I ran away.

There was nothing I could do. Because I cared for him, all I could was wish Koganegawa luck with learning to control himself. Because starting now, I can't be close to him. Not if I want him to be happy.

Why must love be such a painful and complicated feeling?

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