Bloodlust (Tadashi Yamaguchi)

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Wizzy: Here's another piece of the Creature Collection. Almost stopped halfway through because that would have been a good place to end it. But I knew you guys would ask for a part 2 or ask if the Reader died or something. 

I plunged my stake into the creature's heart, ending its miserable life as quickly and painlessly as I could. As I pulled it back out, I caught sight of another fleeing the area. My companions were busy taking on the other three that remained here, so I chased the one on my own.

It's really foolish to chase after a vampire when you're alone, but I knew I'd be fine. After all, I was the top slayer in this little group. My number of kills greatly towered over the others. Because of that, I was made the unofficial leader.

All through the old building, I chased the lone vampire. Soon I had him cornered, but something about him was off. Once I'd seen his face, I knew exactly why.

This particular vampire wasn't like the others that I'd found him with. In fact, it was a huge shock that this gentle and shy classmate of mine even was a vampire. I wasn't even sure I could believe it even possible with the way he was cowering down with his back pressed tight to the wall.

I'd slain countless vampires, it was my job to, but thinking about having to destroy him made me want to just thrust a stake into my own heart instead. Yamaguchi just looked so helpless, so terrified. It was cracking my stone heart.

Just as I was considering turning around and letting him go, my team had already come into the room, updating me on the status of the other vampires. "One slipped away but the others were taken care of," one of them said before their eyes fell on the one I'd cornered.

All stepped forward, stakes raised and ready to leap into action. Seeing a tear slipping down his cheek, I signaled for them to stop. "You go after the one you lost," I ordered, not even looking at them. "That one's a much bigger threat right now. You stop him before he hurts anyone else; I'll take care of this one on my own."

My companions weren't fond of that order, but they knew I was right. With me being the top dog, I could handle a fight on my own. This one was cornered, so it would be easy for one person to handle. The one who escaped would be much tougher and would require teamwork to be taken down. Besides, if I said to do something, they had to do it.

Reluctantly they left. Once I was sure that they were far enough away, I put my stake back into its holster on my hip and moved a bit closer to the terrified boy. "Relax, I'm not going to hurt you," I tried to say as calmly as I could. He looked up at me as I knelt down in front of him. I still kept a little distance between us; he was still a monster, after all. "I can't believe a sweet guy like you would get mixed up with monsters like them. Why are you hanging around with those guys?"

Yamaguchi dried his eyes with his sleeve. He was finally calming down. "Y-you shouldn't get so close... I-I might..." He was stuttering and shaking and when his eyes met with mine for the first time, I knew why.

That look in his eyes was one I'd seen many times, and it most certainly wasn't good. Well, it was and it wasn't. It was good because it meant he wasn't out attacking people; it was bad because it meant that his natural lust for blood was getting so strong that it might completely take over and turn him into a vicious killer just to satisfy that need. "You haven't been drinking blood."

"I can't get it on my own, so Tsukki said to get help from other vampires," he said quickly, trying to back away but his back was already against the wall.

Tadashi Yamaguchi was a very gentle guy. He never did anything to hurt anyone. In fact, he was kinda shy, and too tenderhearted to ever be considered a threat. The thought of having to destroy him was heartbreaking. However, I couldn't just let him go; not when the bloodlust was threatening to take over him.

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