Pretend Boyfriend (Yuuki Shibayama)

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Wizzy: Yuuki is adorable! Poor cutie doesn't have any stories for him at all though! Perhaps I shall change that.

"I don't know what to do..." I sighed. I'd just finished explaining to my two best friends about how a third-year had been making advances towards me and how it had been making me feel uncomfortable. As much as I'd have liked to ask the guy to stop, I was much too shy and awkward around him to even stutter out a word.

Shoyo, who I'd been friends with since the beginning of middle school, was the first to speak. As usual, he had an idea. "I know! If you had a boyfriend, you wouldn't have to worry about it because he'd protect you."

"That's brilliant Shoyo!" said my other best friend, Inuoka. We'd met just this year after I'd started school at Nekoma and became the manager for the boys' volleyball club. He was just like Shoyo, so we'd become friends quite quickly. "I know someone who'd be perfect!"

When Shoyo excitedly asked who, Inuoka whispered it to him, refusing to let me know. Whatever name he gave, it surprised Shoyo. "Really? Him?"

Inuoka nodded. "The whole team knows that he really likes her. So even if it's only pretend until training camp is over, everyone would believe he's her boyfriend. And I know he won't mind because he really likes her."

The more the two boys talked about it, the more curious I became. Obviously, this guy was someone from Nekoma. It couldn't be Kenma or Kuroo. And not Fukunaga because no one ever knew what he was thinking. Lev maybe, but I probably would know if it were since he wasn't good with keeping secrets.

Soon Inuoka ran off to retrieve this mystery guy, leaving me alone with Shoyo. But before I could ask him about the guy, we were joined by Lev. And I had to explain what was going on once again. Though this time, Lev had something much different to say.

"He went to find Shibayama," Lev said with certainty. "He has a huge crush on you."

That really wasn't who I'd expected. Though if I thought about it, it did make the most sense. None of the other guys seemed like they'd have any interest, not unless it were Inuoka or Yamamoto. But Inuoka was my best friend and Yamamoto was terrified of girls.

"L-Lev!" the voice of Yuuki Shibayama cried out, signaling his and Inuoka's arrival. The poor boy's face was starting to turn red. "Y-you can't just tell people things like that!"

Hoping to make Shibayama feel better, I gave what I hope was a reassuring smile. "Did Inuoka explain everything?" I asked, looking down at the floor. This plan wasn't one that I was really fond of, but if it would work as my friends said, then it was worth a try. Though I hated to think that it might hurt someone as sweet as Shibayama.

When he shook his head, the boys explained the situation. After hearing it, he quickly agreed to the plan.

After the practice matches were done for the day, Bokuto from Fukurodani tried to convince me to help him practice. He made me uncomfortable by just being near me; I didn't want to practice with him. But try as I may, he wasn't letting me refuse. Not to mention our captain was on his side.

I wanted to get away from him, but I was trapped. Then Shibayama came to my rescue. "She can't practice with you," he said, his voice shaking slightly. "She already promised to help me since Yaku's busy with Lev... a-and... she... she's my girlfriend... so you should l-leave her alone!" Despite all his stuttering and how cowardly he sounded right now, I thought he was incredibly sweet and brave to stick up for me like that, especially to our captain and an ace from another school. Not to mention they were both our senpais as well.

Bokuto bought the story, but Kuroo didn't seem like he fully believed it. "Prove it," he challenged, knowing Shibayama wouldn't dare to do anything if I wasn't actually his girlfriend. Though he seemed to forget that he might be too shy to even if we really were together. "Prove that she's really your girl. Kiss her."

Shibayama gave me a panicked look. Neither of us expected anyone to question it, so we hadn't been prepared for this. But luck was on our side and someone called out to Kuroo. Taking advantage of the distraction, Shibayama grabbed my hand and ran.

We didn't stop until we were sure that we were far enough away. Relief flooded through me and I hugged Shibayama in gratitude for rescuing me. "Thank you..." I mumbled, hiding my face in his chest. Inuoka had certainly been right in choosing him for this. "Thank you so much, Yuuki..."

He hugged me tightly in return as he spoke. "Can... can I kiss you?"

I looked up in surprise. His face was turning red and couldn't meet my eyes. In all honesty, I was feeling as nervous as he looked right now. But still I nodded.

And as we kissed, I couldn't help but wonder if this pretend relationship would someday become something much more.

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