You Know You Want Him (Yuuki Shibayama) *Mature*

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Wizzy:  And here is the Lemon version of the story.

As I waited for the boys to come in, I turned my attention to the pair of friends that had come with me. Karasu and Sakura weren't really fans of volleyball, but they had reasons for wanting to come here with me. One being that they thought a certain third year on the team was incredibly hot, but the main reason was that they wanted to poke fun at me for having a crush on my best friend.

He came out last and I almost didn't even realize it was the same sweet Yuuki that I knew. You wouldn't think a change of clothes would make that much of a difference, but seeing him in his Nekoma jersey for the first time... brought up a few new thoughts.

For the first time in, well, ever, I thought he was hot. I mean, I'd always thought he was cute, but that white jersey showed him off just right. And I won't lie, there have been a few occasions when I fantasized about teaching that sweet and innocent boy so many naughty things... but of course, I'd never dreamed that I'd actually do it.

Unfortunately, there was no hiding the way I was practically undressing him with my eyes. "You gonna need a bucket for all that drool?" Karasu teased, nudging me.

"Shut up." I meant for it to sound scary, but my voice came out as little more than a whine. Oh yeah, they could tell I wanted him bad...

All through the match, my eyes never left him. The only thing I could think of was pouncing on him like a wild animal in heat. I was too distracted to notice my friends snapping pictures the whole time.

After it was over, I met up with Yuuki. Earlier he'd offered to walk me home when the match was over, so my friends went on without me. But as I stood facing him, I couldn't look directly at him out of fear that I might throw myself at him.

Thankfully the captain called him over, saving me for a brief moment. The bedhead pulled something from his pocket and pressed it into the little libero's hand. Unfortunately, he'd done it so smoothly and discreetly, I couldn't even get a look at what it was. But I just brushed it off and thought about my handsome libero.

As he walked me home, I found it hard to look at him without being reminded of how he looked in his jersey. And when you're alone with a boy, thinking about how hot they look when wearing or doing a certain thing is not a very smart idea. Much to my distress, my friends were about to make it even tougher.

A sudden chime from my phone signaled a new message. I checked it quickly and was surprised to see a message from Karasu.

You know you want him.

Barely a few seconds later she sent another message. Wait, weren't those the lyrics to that one Disney song? Kiss the Girl? Damn it, Karasu. A minute passed and a text with more lyrics from that same song... and a picture of Yuuki in his jersey.

Instantly I felt weak. Not even a minute later, there was a second picture and a message.

Go on and kiss the boy.

I wanted to hit her. It was bad enough wanting him without all of my friends' harassment. After this, I would definitely need a cold shower. No, make that a frozen shower because there was now a third picture. Oh, I was going to make her pay later.

Another minute passed, another text with his picture. What little control I had over myself was slowly being chipped away. It wouldn't take much more to make me pounce on him right there on the street.

One last picture as we reached my house and I was gone. The last bit of restraint shattered. That had been all I need to take him by the hand and drag him into my bedroom and lock the door behind me.

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