Innocent (Koushi Sugawara)

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Wizzy: There was supposed to be a story about what happens before this, but I never got around to finishing it.

I couldn't help but feel ashamed of myself. I wished that I could have gone back and hit myself over the head and knocked some sense into myself. Maybe it hadn't been my fault, but that didn't make me feel any better.

"Hey Suga, you feelin' alright?" Daichi and Asahi look me over carefully. "Is your neck hurting or something?" I'd had my hand on the side of my neck all day. That was to cover up a single mark that I had no way of covering up. It was too low to cover it with my hair and too high for the collar of my shirt. And unfortunately, I had nothing I could put over it.

"I'm fine Daichi." No, I wasn't, but I certainly wasn't about to explain what had happened yesterday. No way. It was way too embarrassing. I'd even had to skip yesterday's practice.

"You sure? You look like you're gonna be sick..." the captain said, looking worried.

As I opened my mouth to say that I was fine, an unfortunately familiar face came in and attacked Asahi with a hug. "Hey, Asahi!" The sound of her voice made my stomach turn. Her eyes looked my way and locked on. I could clearly see the mischievous spark in them, though everyone else seemed completely oblivious. "Oh hey, Koushi! I didn't know you were on the same team as my brother."

The team's eyes were on me in an instant. "I didn't know she was your sister, Asahi," I said, struggling to keep my voice calm. Having such a manipulative girl so close to me was putting me on edge. How could she act so sweet and innocent after what she'd done to me?

"You know each other?" Asahi looked back and forth between me and his younger sister. Absentmindedly, I lowered my hand from its position at my neck. The ace's eyes went wide and I instantly realized my mistake, quickly covering the mark again. "Suga, what was that?"

The first year next to him giggled. It was getting harder and harder by the second to keep the scowl off my face. "Oh yeah, you never did tell me how you got that! I asked you so many times when you were helping me study yesterday!"

"You were studying yesterday? That's good."

He's seriously buying that ridiculous excuse? It was then that I realized something: Asahi had no idea how his sister really was. She must have been really good at pretending to be an innocent little girl like everyone thought she was.

"Koushi helped, didn't you?" She looked at me with a sickly sweet smile. What she was saying was completely wrong.

Slowly, she moved closer and stood next to me. When she put her hand on my arm, something inside snapped. I grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her off of me. "Don't. Touch. Me." Ignoring the shocked cries from my teammates, I glared down at the first-year whose name I didn't even know. For the first time, she actually looked like she was scared... or at least panicking. "Drop that stupid little-miss-innocent act already. Why don't you tell him what you were really doing yesterday?"

She just stared up at me silently. I didn't let go of her wrist, so she couldn't have run away. "If you're not going to tell them the truth, then I will," I threatened. I was going to tell them what she'd done, but I intended to leave myself out of it.

"You wouldn't dare!" Her reaction had come almost instantly. I could see a flicker of panic in her eyes as she realized what she'd just done. She'd pretty much just admitting that she'd lied. "It's not like anyone would actually believe whatever lie you make up anyway."

As much as I hated to admit it, she had a point. No matter what I tried to say, she could simply deny it and claim that I was lying. So unless I could prove she'd done anything without letting Asahi know that I was involved, no one would believe it.

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