I Owe You (Tetsuro Kuroo)

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"Do you have it? Please tell me you have it..."

I sighed in minor annoyance as I handed him a small box. "Here. I stayed up until 3 AM last night just to finish it, so you better appreciate it."

"Yes, yes, of course," the bedheaded male said, grinning at me. This guy... I swear if he wasn't my friend and insistent on keeping me around, I'd throw him off a bridge. Though then again, his mother is probably one of my best customers, so pushing him off a bridge could result in a pretty big loss in my profits...

He opened the box a bit, looking at the piece inside before nodding in approval. "Amazing as always. She'll love it for sure." It was a simple necklace, but the woman he was talking about absolutely adored my creations. In fact, she probably had more of the jewelry I made than she could probably ever wear.

Sighing yet again, I gave Kuroo a light smack on the back of the head. "Next time you need a gift for your mother, order it weeks before like a normal person... not the day before her birthday..." The idiot really did need to plan better, but how many times do you think I've already told him this?

"I really owe you one this time..." Those words would have actually meant something, had he said them sincerely and without that cocky smirk on his face as he'd said. That earned him another light smack to the back of his head.

"You bet your sweet ass you owe me." I scowled a little as I crossed my arms. "Special order, personal delivery, extremely short notice, pain in the ass to make... not to mention the fact that I'm in the middle of a busy season with my orders and the fact that I give you a discount because you're my friend-"

"Okay, okay... I get it... I'm an idiot for forgetting my mother's birthday and you're a goddess for helping me out like this..." Kuroo cut me off before I could go on, the look on his face showing just how bad he really felt about this. Really, under these conditions, I should make him pay double. Maybe even triple, but I'm far too nice... and I may or may not have a slight crush on him. "I'll buy you dinner. That work for you?"

As tempting as that was, I wasn't really one for getting out much. I'm by no means antisocial, but I just prefer staying in most of the time. "Better idea: how about we get some takeout and watch movies for a night? I've even got popcorn we can make."

A grin forms on his face as he hears my suggestion. Really, it was a much cheaper option and one that I would personally prefer. Besides, movies can usually lead to cuddling, and sometimes cuddling leads to other things. Of course, I wasn't too sure how Kuroo would feel about that kind of thing with me.

"Sounds great. Next Saturday then?" That would be roughly a week from now. After I'd nodded, he grinned again. "You know, if my mother had any idea who you were or the fact that you're the one who makes all these..." He motioned towards the box in his hand. "She would never stop trying to set me up with you. She really would love you, you know."

I rolled my eyes at his words. While it might have been true, there was probably a good reason that his mother didn't know about me and that I've never been allowed to meet the woman. Still, I couldn't help but smile at the thought that maybe, just maybe, his mother wouldn't have to set me up with him.

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