Choices (Tadashi Yamaguchi, Kei Tsukishima)

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Wizzy: Based on a dream I had. Also, try to guess which of the two boys would be saying that last little line.

"It's probably almost over now..." I sighed to myself. Today had been I day that I'd been looking forward to for a long time and guess where I'm stuck instead? A hospital. Just my luck, huh? It's not like it was something I did or even a sickness that got out of hand... it was just something that happened because I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"You're alone? Where's your girlfriend?" the nurse asked nicely. She was a kind lady and we'd gotten to know each other pretty well during the few days I'd been here. But in all that time, this was the only time I didn't have anyone else by my side when she'd come to check on me.

I looked down at my hands that were clenched tightly into fists. This wasn't where I was supposed to be. "She's not really my girlfriend," I admitted. "She's just a friend, but I really like her. I was going to ask her to go with me today, but I can't leave here until tomorrow."

The nurse gave a sad smile. "You were really looking forward to the festival today, weren't you?" I nodded. The winter festival was always one of my favorites and now I had to miss it. "I'll bet you were planning to tell her how you felt about her." Once more I nodded. "I'm surprised she actually left you by yourself."

I didn't know it, but when I'd first been brought in, the girl I'd had a crush on for a while had stuck by my side at all times. During that time I'd been unconscious, but I heard all about it from Tsukki later on. Apparently, she'd been too worried to leave me and even Tsukki had been pretty worried too.

"She went to the festival with Tsukki." I'd wanted them to stay here with me, but I didn't have the heart to ask them to when she looked so eager to go. Tsukki never had any interest in that kind of thing, but because she went, he went too, claiming that she shouldn't be by herself. "I think I'll just get some sleep..."

I don't know how much time had passed between the time I fell asleep and the time I woke up. But as I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was Tsukki sitting by my bed with a video camera in his hands.

"About time," he said in that annoyed-sounding tone he always used. Even if he sounded uncaring, I knew that he did care. Tsukki handed the camera to me and briefly explained how to how work it. I didn't think they'd actually do it when they told me they would record the festival so that I could still see it even though I had to miss it. "Make sure you see it through to the end."

Tsukki didn't explain why and stood up to leave. He couldn't see, but as I opened my mouth to ask, he was already answering my question. "She's with the rest of the volleyball club," he said, glancing back at me. "She'll come back to you soon, but make sure you watch that first."

As he left the room, I looked down at the camera in my hands. Guess I better do as he said.

"Hey Yamaguchi," her familiar voice said sweetly as soon as I pressed the play button. All I could see was Tsukki though, so I assumed she was the one holding the camera. "You say hi too, Tsukki."

"Why? It's pointless."

Just like Tsukki... A small smile made its way onto my face as I watched the two argue about it a moment before her face came into view on the little screen. "Well, Tsukki's being a jerk like usual," she said playfully. She always had such a cute smile. "We're sorry you can't be here right now. We really tried to get you out of there and if your family wasn't away, you could have been here with us."

She went through a lot of trouble for me, all because she chose to. "So since you can't come see it yourself, me and Tsukki are going to do everything and go every place that you wanted to go and we're going to record it for you. Then you can watch and it'll be like you were here with us!"

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