Confusing (Morisuke Yaku)

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Wizzy: Based on something that happened to me.

Upon entering the gym, I was instantly swept into a hug by my loving boyfriend. This is how it always was when I stayed after school. I'd always come to meet him as practice was ending and then we'd walk home together.

As his arms circled around me, my entire body tensed up despite how much I tried to act normal. Yaku knew me all too well and could tell right away that something was up. But as much as I wanted to tell him, he was the one person I couldn't talk to about it. What I needed was a neutral party, someone who I could talk this over with who wouldn't tell me which choice to make... and looking around the gym, I spotted exactly the person who fits that perfectly.

Leaving Yaku's side, I approached the team's setter, shocking most of the team. "Kozume, could I speak with you about something important?" My voice stayed relatively calm; the exact opposite of the storm raging inside of me right this second.

"Why don't you talk to Yaku instead?"

"Because this is something that I can't talk to him about and you're the only one I can trust to not say anything about this."

(Yaku's POV)

I had no idea what she could possibly want to talk to Kenma about that she couldn't talk to me about. Clearly, it was something serious or she wouldn't have been acting weird. But I knew that I couldn't ask her about it because I knew she'd just avoid the subject. That was the way that she was; being together for as long as we had wasn't about to change that.

"You're not worried?" my teammate and captain asked, looking me out of the corner of his eye.

This really wasn't any of his business. "Of course I'm worried," I half snapped at him. He was clearly being his usual annoying self. "But I know if I push her, she'll be less likely to tell me what it is that's wrong."

"You think she might be cheating on you? Or maybe about to break up with you?"

Damn that stupid provocation expert! He was putting thoughts in my head that I'd been avoiding even considering. I know she's not the type to cheat, but she's also too tenderhearted to just break up with me without a really big reason. But even though I wanted to believe that neither of those could be on her mind, I couldn't stop that little shred of doubt from starting to grow.

"She'd never..." I tried to sound sure of myself, but I couldn't help it. She'd been acting a bit distant lately and today it was much stronger... In the end, I couldn't avoid fearing the worst.

(Reader's POV)

Eventually, Kenma gave in and let me talk about my little problem to him. He even promised to never mention it to anyone either... after I agreed to buy him a new game.

"So you're saying that some guy that you used to date asked you to get back together with him even though you've been broken up for over two years and you've been dating Yaku for about two years?" he asked, summing up the story that I'd just told him.

So far, he had it about right, but the way he said made it sound twice as bad as it really was. "More or less..." Three years ago, there was a guy that I used to date. That guy broke up with me because I was too distant and couldn't open up to him. I was pretty hurt by that, but mostly because the break-up was entirely my fault. I was the defective one. But as much as I was hurt by that, I couldn't hate him because deep down I knew he was right.

In fact, that same issue had been a problem that I carried with me even after I'd started dating Yaku. It still hangs around even now. Even though I want to, I still find it hard to get close to him. And when you've been with someone for two years, not being able to get close to someone will leave you with doubts.

"I know I should hate him for back then, but I can't," I sighed, staring up at the sky. Why did this all have to be so complicated? "If it weren't for Yaku, I know I wouldn't have any reason to refuse. He's really not a bad guy... even if Yaku does hate him."

"Then why are you hesitating?" Kenma looked up from his game that he hadn't stopped playing. "If you still have feelings for the guy, then go back to him."

That was another thing though. I'd gotten over him before I'd even met Yaku, so it's not like there were any hidden feelings lingering around. "Actually, I'm completely over him...."

"Then why even consider going back?"

And that brings up another issue. "For a while now, I've been having doubts about me and Yaku... like should I just end it? It feels sort of like I'm stuck in place and no matter what I do, I'm not going anywhere..."

"Then why don't you end it?"

I didn't have the heart to. "Yaku's been so good to me. He's amazing, really." As I went on, I couldn't resist smiling. "He's always patient with me and never forces me to do something I don't want to... He never forgets birthdays or anniversaries even when I do... When we make love, he always makes sure that I'm enjoying it..."

"I don't need to know that..."

"He's a much better man than I deserve..."

Kenma didn't hesitate to inform me of the decision I'd made without even realizing it. "Sounds like your mind was made up long before he'd even asked you to go back to him." Once again, the setter busied himself with his game, signaling that this discussion would be ending soon. "He's probably waiting for you in the gym. You might want to say something before he gets too worried."

I didn't need to be told twice.

Practically running the whole way, I found him exactly where Kenma had said I would. Yaku looked pretty upset about something and I really didn't need to guess why. It was entirely my fault, but that didn't matter. He could never stay mad at me and I now knew exactly how I felt about him.

I immediately ran up to him and threw my arms around him, his own wrapping around me in the process. "I love you, Morisuke."

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