Stronger Than You 3 (Wakatoshi Ushijima)

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Wizzy: I tried to make a little cute moment. Was originally going to reference this in Semi's part 3, but that didn't work out. Had this done forever ago, but only just now deciding to share it here. Seriously, those of you who haven't started reading that book are missing out on some awesome stories.

If you had told my fifteen-year-old self that in nine years, I'd be marrying the very same man that I would regularly pick a fight with, I would have called you delusional.

I stared down at the beach below from the balcony. So much has happened in the past 24 hours... my mind can't even fully process it all.

Ushijima's mother never approved of me. In fact, I'm one thousand percent sure that she absolutely hated me. She was a... very traditional sort of woman... one from a pure and very strong werewolf bloodline. When you compare that to me? Yeah, I don't see her ever approving of me being with her son.

Honestly, I always kind of assumed that he would never marry without his family's approval... and yet that ring on my finger said otherwise.

It was such a spur-of-the-moment thing... In the span of a few short hours, he'd not only proposed but we were also married. How romantic to go and elope like that... but... there was going to be a lot to answer for very soon... because we told absolutely no one a single thing...

Of course, that's not what my mind is focused on right now. My eyes land on the ring on my finger. In the eight years we've been together, there's hardly been anything physical between us. Sure, some kisses here and there... and maybe there were those marks he seemed to like leaving on my neck... but never anything beyond that.

It's more than likely because of the way his mother was... and the way that she raised him. I can accept that... and I wouldn't ever push that sort of boundaries. He never gave me any signs of wanting to do anything beyond what we already had.

We've lived together since I started college... we even slept in the same bed. But even with that, he's never dared to do anything more than innocent cuddling...

Tonight though... tonight is different. My eyes shift to my hand that's on the railing... to the wedding band on my finger. Tonight, he's not my boyfriend... he's now my husband. Until now, I hadn't thought much of what comes after being married... of what's meant to happen on the wedding night.

Thinking about it, I can't help but feel anxious... Before him, I'd never been with anyone at all. There hadn't ever been any time to even consider dating...

I jumped slightly when I heard him say my name from behind me. Can he tell that I'm nervous? I've never really been nervous around him before... and I know that he's kind of dense... always has been, really.

He moved closer, standing beside me, hands on the railing in front of us. "You've been really quiet since we got here..."

"I... I'm a little scared..." I hate the idea of looking weak in front of him, but it's not like I can lie to him.

He takes an arm and puts it around me. It's a simple gesture and much like him. Being emotionally comforting isn't exactly his strong suit, but the mere thought that that was what he was trying to do was enough.

"We don't have to do anything that you don't want to." His arm wrapped around me a little tighter, pulling me against his side. "I'm not going to force you... I've waited this long, so waiting a little longer won't hurt."

He'd keep waiting, huh? Yeah, I suppose that he would. Even knowing that though, I didn't want to disappoint him. "You wouldn't be upset?"

"I can't say that I wouldn't be at least a little disappointed..." It's the truth, at least, so I'll give him that. Still, it wasn't what I was hoping to hear. "But, you know that's not why I wanted to marry you... I married you because I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Whether we stay as we have been or we take the next step... it doesn't change my feelings."

He's not a man who says things simply to please others. When Wakatoshi Ushijima speaks, he only ever says what he feels to be the truth. To hear him now, it puts most of my fears to rest.

It's still kind of scary... but maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Slowly I laced my fingers with his. "You'll be gentle with me, won't you?"

"Of course." He leaned down, nuzzling my cheek sweetly. "Anything for you..."

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