Resist Me (Toru Oikawa)

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Wizzy: Sequel to Not You. This is the clean version. And before someone says it, no, it was not my decision to make this a lemon. I left that up to the person who requested the sequel.
So I don't want to see any comments whining about "consent." Been seeing far too many and really, it's not necessary. First, you have to remember that our Reader here has been very tsundere towards Oikawa, meaning he's not entirely able to tell if she's actually saying no or if she's simply being shy. From past experience with her, he automatically assumes that she's just being shy. The apology she gives later on is because she assumed the worst of him and realized that she was wrong about him. My bad for not writing it so clearly. This really isn't as bad of a story as it seems.

When I'd asked her to be my girlfriend, I expected her to refuse and deny that she had any feelings for me. I already knew exactly how she felt about me, but even so, she resisted those feelings. Knowing that she was trying so hard to not feel anything for me, made me want her even more. That made it even more surprising that she accepted when I asked her out.

Though for the two months that we'd been dating, she still did everything she could to resist me. Honestly, not much changed at all. The only thing different was that she now spent more time near me. She ate lunch with me and Iwa-chan; she watched my practices and then I'd walk her home. Outside of that, it was almost like we weren't anything at all. It's actually very frustrating when your own girlfriend won't even touch you. This leads us to what's going on right now.

She's pinned down on my bed, staring up at me with that same look on her face that she always has any time I try to kiss her or touch her in any way. She's denying what she wants, even though I can already see how much she wants me to touch her. "Toru..." Her voice trembled as she spoke. While to an outsider it looks like she's merely nervous, I know that she is really trying to say "Don't... this is too much..."

But when she's staring up at me with that face she's making, I don't want to stop this time. While it's probably very wrong, that scared, innocent look of self-denial in her eyes is driving me crazy. She's just so irresistible when she looks at me like that. Not to mention it's been over two months since the last time I did anything like this with a girl and your hand can only do so much, you know?

I lean down and lightly kiss her lips. Immediately she returns it, but I don't do anything to deepen it and instead break away, trailing light kisses down her jawline. "Toru, don't..." Her voice sounds so small and scared when she begs me to stop. She's still trying to resist what she really wants... it's making me want her so much more.

My lips grazed over a certain spot and I felt her breath hitch. So that's where her weak spot was. This was the first time I'd ever kissed her anywhere besides her lips, so I made sure to make a mental note of it as I focused on it now. I nibbled it lightly, making her body tense up, but no sound escaping her. That's annoying.

One hand moves towards her collar as I began sucking on that spot. Slowly I start undoing the buttons on her shirt and soon her front is exposed to me. I started to attack her weak spot more ferociously and was rewarded with a few whimpers.

After I was sure I'd left a decent mark, I pulled back just a little so that I could get a look at her. As expected, having her shirt laying open like that made my desire for her double. Chances were, I probably wouldn't stop unless she really did want me to stop and told me to.

My clothes suddenly felt too hot and restricting, so I stripped myself of the upper half of my school uniform. It did little to help. "I want you," I said seductively, nibbling her ear. My hand slowly traced down her body and over the curve of her hips while my lips began another attack on her neck.

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