Deny Our Love (Tobio Kageyama, Shoyo Hinata, Toru Oikawa)

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Wizzy: I had too much fun writing this one. By the way, this one is solely to be funny. No actual pairings here. Well, maybe slight Kageyama X Oikawa. Anyway, for whichever person I was talking to when I came up with this, I actually did it! Yay! And as for that last bit... I couldn't resist.

When Shoyo Hinata was looking up random things on the internet, he found the last thing he'd ever expected to see in his lifetime.

It was harmless, he swore. At least, it was in the beginning. He was merely looking up pictures of kittens and then pictures of volleyball. Then he thought to himself, "I wonder if there are any pictures of Kageyama online?" So he typed in his teammate's name and a few pictures came up.

Then he wondered, "Does the Grand King have any pictures?" So he typed in Oikawa's name. But what he failed to realize was that he'd forgotten to erase Kageyama's name from the search box. And so now the box contained both names. You can guess what he now saw on his computer screen.

Hundreds of pictures of the duo covered several pages of search results. But that was not what made the energetic boy's jaw drop. No, it was all the things going on in the pictures that shocked the poor boy.

All sorts of images he scrolled past... Kageyama and Oikawa holding hands... That was pretty harmless... One pinning the other against the wall with their faces close... Okay, that was less harmless but not that bad...

Then he saw something that wasn't harmless. Oikawa and Kageyama kissing. Scrolling down further he saw worse.... the two undressing each other.

Hinata quickly scrolled back up. Just that brief glance at the two boys had made his stomach flip unpleasantly. As he tried to force his stomach to settle, his eyes fell on one picture in particular.

Now, a lot of the pictures he'd seen were very obviously fake. A good number were poorly drawn sketches or animated images. Clearly not actual photos. But this one, oh this one was most definitely a photo and real. At least, it seemed that way for Hinata.

"Kageyama!" Hinata shouted out to the introverted setter. In his hands was a printed version of the photo he'd found the day before.

Kageyama instinctively turned to the one calling him, only to find himself face to face with a piece of paper. Though the image on the paper nearly gave him a heart attack. "What the hell did you make that for?!"

Hinata stared at his friend in confusion. He had enough trouble passing his classes; how could Kageyama think he'd have the skills to make something so real? No, Hinata was certain no one had the skills to make a picture look this real. This photo was definitely real.

"I didn't do anything!" he said, almost offended by the setter's accusation. "I just found it!" Hinata held up the picture to give Kageyama a better look. "When did you kiss the Grand King?"

Kageyama glared down at the short boy. "I've never done anything like that!" He grabbed Hinata by the front of his shirt. "Burn that picture, dumbass!"

"Tobio-chan, there's no need to get so worked up over a little picture," sang the voice of the one and (thankfully) only Toru Oikawa. He walked over with that dazzling smile of his and put his arm on Kageyama's shoulders. "You can't deny our love, Tobio-chan!"

Kageyama violently pushed the other setter away. "Like hell I'd ever feel that way about you!"

Oikawa faked an injured look. "So mean, Tobio-chan!" A fake tear appeared in his eye. "Why must you deny our passionate love?"

He was clearly trying to irritate his darling kouhai, but that was not how Hinata saw things. Little Hinata was believing every word from the Grand King's mouth. It was the Grand King saying it, after all, so it had to be true.

And so the trio continued like this. Hinata questioning why Kageyama was making out with the Grand King. Kageyama violently insisting that he'd never done such a foul thing. And Oikawa fueling the argument by acting all flirty towards the poor setter and asking, "Why must you deny our love, Tobio-chan?"

But little did the trio know, not far from where they were stood four figures, one holding a camera. Wizzy and the rest of Seijoh's third years, Takahiro Hanamaki, Issei Matsukawa, and Hajime Iwaizumi, were laughing to themselves while capturing the whole scene before them on video.

Kageyama: I fail to see how this story is funny.

Hinata: Maybe it's just funny because Wizzy's funny?

Kageyama: Wizzy is not funny. Not when she writes crap like this.

Wizzy: So mean...

Oikawa: Mean Tobio-chan! You made Wizzy-senpai sad. Apologize!

Hinata: Apologize, Kageyama!

Kageyama: ... I hate you all.

Hanamaki: I thought it was funny.

Matsukawa: We all did. Iwaizumi's still laughing his ass off.

Kageyama: ...

Hinata: You going to apologize now?

Wizzy: *smiling hopefully*

Kageyama: ... I will... when hell freezes over!

Oikawa: *comforting poor heartbroken Wizzy* So mean, Tobio-chan!

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