Should Have Done It Sooner (Inarizaki)

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Wizzy: Something I wrote on a whim. Maybe you'll enjoy, maybe you won't.  I wanted to have something with our handsome Inarizaki boys. Specifically the twins. Plus this kind of was a personal thing I wanted to write. If you like this, you might want to go check my story Caterpillar, Cocoon, Butterfly. Weird title, I know, but it stars our foxy boys and a main character based a bit off of Reader-chan in this one.

He's been staring at me all through practice. At first, I hadn't been sure, because who even knows what goes through that guy's head? Sure, The whole team had been giving me funny looks here and there at odd times all week, but none of them had just been outright staring like Osamu had been.

"Are you just gonna keep staring at me like you wanna eat me or are you gonna grow some balls and say something?" My words caught the entire team completely off guard.

I wish that I could say that I didn't know why they were so surprised, but the truth was that I knew exactly why. To put it simply, it was very out of character for me... for the me that the team knew, that is.

"Did you just try to make a joke?"

"Are you sick or something?" Someone put a hand on my forehead, checking for any sign of a fever.

To be honest, it was quite hilarious and I couldn't help but laugh. Needless to say, that confused everyone even more.

"I thought you've been acting weird... you're not actually our little manager, are you?"

"Of course I'm your manager!" I crossed my arms over my chest. "I have a sense of humor like anyone else."

"Liar." Atsumu poked at my cheek rather roughly. "There's no way. Our manager doesn't talk to anyone, let alone tell Samu to grow a pair."

"It's not that weird for me to talk, Atsumu."

"You never talked to us before," Suna chimed in, siding with twins. "Or really anyone."

I rolled my eyes. "That's probably because I couldn't before." It wasn't that I hadn't liked them or anything... I was just naturally a very awkward person. "I wasn't so sure it would actually work, so I wasn't gonna say anything... but..." I looked at the boys with an embarrassed grin. "I'm on a medication to help with my anxiety now. It was getting a bit out of control... but now I feel like I should have done this so much sooner."

I'm saying more than I probably should, but I had a feeling that this would work out for the best... and maybe, just maybe, I could actually get to know my team properly.

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