Heartless (Toru Oikawa)

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Wizzy: This idea was the result of a few of my own memories and a little discussion I had about him with AllieNight.

Also, it has come to my attention that I should put a warning at the beginning of this. So yeah, there are some brief mentions of self-harm. It's lightly mentioned, but if you can't handle it, then it may be best to skip this. And for future references, if you feel that there should be a warning on any of these, please say so.

When your brother is a dumbass, it's hard not to call him that. Normally I avoided cursing, but after having to drag my brother's bag all the way to the gym, I wasn't in the best mood. Of course, if you were to ask anyone in the school, they'd say I was never in a good mood. In fact, according to them, I was heartless. It was even a nickname they called me when they thought I wasn't listening.

After giving Dumbass his bag, I started to make my way out of the gym. Oikawa, the team's captain, was just now making his entrance. Normally I'd have ignored his presence, but a small mark on his leg caught my attention.

"What's with the mark on your leg?" one of the team members asked. Oikawa just brushed it off, claiming that it was only a cat scratch. The team bought the excuse, but I knew better. I'd seen them before on others, so I knew the truth behind that red line that just barely stuck out of the leg of his shorts.

As I passed him, I grabbed his arm quite roughly. It was a known fact that I disliked Oikawa, but if I do anything to say I want your attention, you sure as hell better stop and pay attention. The boy froze as I began to speak just loud enough that only he could hear.

"Never lie to your friends; not about things like this."

(Oikawa's POV)

As she walked away from me, all I could do was stare at her. My mouth hung open slightly. How had she known what I'd said was a lie? Even better, why would she care if I were lying to the others? It was painfully obvious that she disliked me.

She didn't see me watching her walk away. She also didn't see a volleyball that was flying right at her. Not even thinking about it, I rushed forward to pull her out of the way. What I didn't realize was that I'd called out to her as well and had misjudged how fast the ball was.

Just as she'd turned around, the ball slammed into the back of my head. The impact forced me to fall forward onto her, my jaw colliding with hers as we hit the floor. Had it not been for the slight pain in my jaw and the wide-eyed look on her face, I may not have even realized that we'd accidentally kissed.

My instant reaction was panic. No doubt she was going to murder me. I, Toru Oikawa, was a dead man.

Her reaction, however, was a bit unexpected. She didn't hit me or even threaten me. She did give me a glare though. "You and I are going to have a little discussion after practice," she hissed at me before running off.

For the rest of practice all I kept hearing were "it was nice knowing you," "I'll tell your family you love them," and "I'll see you at your funeral."

(Heartless/Reader's POV)

Having nothing better to do, I waited around for Oikawa. When he finally came out, he looked like he really wanted to run away. In fact, he almost started to run when he thought I hadn't seen him yet. "Oikawa, get over here." My voice was a lot calmer than usual, but it was still firm and left no room for refusal.

There was a moment of silence before he spoke in a panicky voice. "I'm sorry! Please don't kill me!" As he cowered, I felt my heart ache just a bit. He and I may not have been friends or anything, but I'd known him and gone to the same school as him for most of my life. Even if I didn't have the nicest reputation, he should have known I wouldn't hurt him because of something that was an accident.

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