Fixing (Kousuke Sakunami)

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Wizzy: More Creature Collection. Sequel to Koganegawa's one.

"Okay, so let me get this straight," I said, staring at Sakunami who looked like he was having a rough day. "You've been helping Koganegawa learn to control his werewolf transformations and this girl that Koganegawa has a major crush on just happened to come around and hear you guys talking about the girl he wants to confess to, but the girl got the wrong idea and then took off crying before you could tell her that she was the girl he likes?"

Sakunami nodded. "And now she refuses to talk to either of us." The little libero looked down at his feet. He was probably thinking that this was his fault, but I could tell that it wasn't. Maybe I hadn't been there and maybe I didn't know Koganegawa and that girl that well, but I did know Sakunami.

"So all we have to do is fix this," I stated, grinning at my friend.

The cute little libero stared back at me. "We?" he questioned. I nodded. "You mean you're going to try to fix this?"

"If we can get them together," I started, standing up. "Then maybe things can be worked out." I reached down and grabbed his hand, pulling him into a standing position. "If we can make things work out between them, then we could just say that this was fate's way of bringing them together."

His saddened mood quickly improved. "So all we need is a plan," he smiled at me.

"That's my adorable guardian angel libero," I laughed, playfully messing up his hair.

Coming up with a plan wasn't exactly easy. In the end, we used some cliché scenes for some romance movies and mangas and even some animes for inspiration. Obviously though, since those were works of fiction, those things wouldn't actually work out in real life.

We tried writing a love letter from him to her and asking her to meet with him. However, she knew Koganegawa's handwriting and we couldn't use Sakunami for that same reason, so I was stuck writing the letter. That was a complete failure since she didn't even show up.

We tried to get them at the same place at the same time, but that was another failure. They were in different classes, so it was hard to get them together when they had very limited amounts of time where the two could even see each other. And in those rare times they had, Koganegawa's crush avoided him almost flawlessly.

Eventually, we decided that this required a much more direct approach. Sakunami would handle Koganegawa, while I took care of his girl. And in the end, we'd finally succeeded in our mission.

Now here I stood with Sakunami, our eyes looking after the new couple from a distance. There they sat, cuddled together and looking almost as adorable as I thought Sakunami was; and let me tell you, that is beyond puppy and kitten adorable.

Though I couldn't help but wonder: why put so much into helping a friend with his love life when his own wasn't exactly going the best? "Why were you so worried about him when your life needs work more than his did?" I didn't know the details, but from what I'd heard about it from him, but apparently, he had some unrequited crush on a friend of his. However, anytime I tried to ask, he'd never tell me who it was.

"I'm a Libero, so it's my job to look out for and support the team," he smiled, still watching the couple. He's too sweet sometimes. Like angel.

Slowly, I linked my arm with his. He didn't say anything more than that, but he didn't need to; I already understood. Sakunami wasn't just watching over and supporting his teammates on the court, but also in life.

"You really are an angel, Kousuke," I said, giving him a quick peck on the cheek, making his face tint pink. "You might have kept them secret from everyone else, but you could never hide those wings from me."

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