Thief 3 (Atsumu Miya)

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Wizzy: I was actually thinking about making this little 3 part set into a full story. It would swap between Atsumu and the Reader's point of view. Kind of like how my Oikawa story does. It'll be a while before that happens though. What do you think though?

Life after high school settled into a rather simple routine. While everyone was running off to college to chase their dreams, I stayed behind in my old hometown and took a job in a little flower shop that my grandmother had.

As I arranged a few of the flowers that I was currently working with, something furry brushed up against my leg. I looked down just in time to see a furry tail disappear under the table and a few seconds later, a fox head poke out and stare up at me.

I set down the flowers in my hands and gave the fox a little scratch behind the ear. It reminded me of years ago when the happiest times I had were the moments I shared with a certain kitsune... one who would constantly steal my pudding and once even stole a pair of my underwear.

Atsumu... We never did end up dating. By the time that I'd started to come around to the idea and felt ready to take on a new relationship, he's started to seem like he'd lost any interest in me. It's not like I could blame him though; I'd kept him waiting for so long that he must have figured that it wasn't whether the hassle.

This fox at my feet is probably a kitsune like Atsumu. The area was surprisingly full of them. Before getting to know the blonde Miya, I would have probably never known.

Many took a liking to living as foxes... or so Atsumu had told me once. Not all kitsune lived that way. Many liked living among humans. Most of the towns surrounding our hometown were mainly populated by kitsune... and some werefoxes too. Atsumu had gotten mad when I'd thought that the two were the same thing.

I crouched down, putting myself closer to the fox's level. As I scratched its ears, I smiled softly. "You remind me of Atsumu..." I said softly, thinking about the kitsune I had known. "You couldn't be him though... he's off living his dream in who knows where..."

Actually, Kita had told me that he was playing for a team based out of Osaka, so that was at least a clue. Still, I hadn't talked to the blonde in so long... it had been a few years at least.

The fox tilted his head at me. It felt like he was asking "Who's Atsumu?" I doubt that he was, but it was comforting to think about it.

"I miss him... I doubt he even remembers me though..." Sighing, I stood back up and brushed myself off. "You're not supposed to be back here. If you're here for some flowers, you'll have to go back into the shop. Otherwise, I have to get back to work."

The fox stared at me for a moment before turning and running off into the front room that was the main part of the shop. It's not the first time a kitsune has wandered in... and I doubt it will be the last.

I turned my attention back to the flowers I'd been arranging before the interruption. I finish it up quickly and put it in its place before returning to the shop. As I entered the room, a young couple was coming in.

It takes no time at all to help them find exactly what they're looking for. Something about the male seemed very familiar though... like I've seen him somewhere.

"Have... have we met before?" I asked, looking at him curiously.

The male shrugged. "If you're from around here, then probably... or you've probably met my brother." The woman was quiet, thankfully not bothered by the fact that I was staring at her boyfriend. "Osamu Miya," he said when I failed to put the clues together.

"Wait, seriously?" Without his hair dyed, I almost didn't recognize him. "I never would have guessed was it was you..."

We chatted a bit, catching up on the past few years. Osamu was still living with Atsumu, for now. The formerly grey-haired twin was currently the owner of Onigiri Miya, while his blonde brother was the setter for the MSBY Black Jackals. Hearing that, I couldn't help but smile.

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