Breaking Walls (Kei Tsukishima)

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Wizzy: I almost made this longer, but what I had planned didn't quite go with the flow. Also, this is based on a dream I had about Tsukishima.

It all began so simply... You were just a friend of a friend.

"Hey Tadashi," I asked my friend and classmate. "Tsukishima's your friend, isn't he?"

"We've been friends since we were kids," Yamaguchi's voice was calm... until he noticed me looking at the blonde boy who currently looked annoyed as he sat over in his corner. Then his voice started to sound a little concerned. "You're not interested in him, are you?"

I just shook my head. "I barely know him." Actually, I'd never talked to him before, so really all I knew was his name. Tsukishima wasn't exactly a social guy. "It's just, I've never seen him really talk with anyone other than you. Doesn't he have any friends?"

I remember seeing you... you seemed so lonely. In that moment, I decided to be your friend.

"Hi there," I said cheerfully approaching the tall blonde. After a bit of thought and some discussion with Yamaguchi, I'd made up my mind to try and make friends with him. "Your name is Tsukishima, isn't it?"

Tsukishima had an irritated expression on his face as I spoke to him. It was almost like he was silently cursing a fly that kept buzzing around his head and couldn't drive away or squash. "Why does my name matter?"

He hadn't automatically told me to go away, so I accepted that as the first success. Maybe I really could be friends with him. "Well, you're supposed to know your friends' names."

"You're not my friend."

I should have known this wouldn't be easy. You'd put up a wall and I've never been much of a climber.

"Hey, Tsukishima!" I waved at Tsukishima and smiled. Two months had already passed since I'd decide to be his friend. It hadn't been easy; his personality was a natural person repellant. But with time I'd grown used to his harsh-seeming personality and even grew to like the guy.

He just sighed in annoyance as he always did. I swear I was making progress though. "Aren't you ever going to give up?"

"That's no way to treat a friend," I said, smiling up at him as I playfully poked him in the ribs. "Come have lunch with me."

Usually, he'd simply say no and then give in after I pestered him enough, but today was different. Though his response should have been one I'd seen coming. "You aren't my friend and you never will be." Those words alone could have crushed me. But it was his next words that made my heart sink lower than it ever had been. "You're annoying, so go away."

And at that moment, my world came crashing down. All that time... I should have known I could never break past your walls. Pointless... the whole thing had been pointless from the very beginning.

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