You Look Good In My Shirt (So Inuoka)

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Wizzy: Inuoka's so adorable... he really doesn't get enough love. By the way, yes the title is the name of a song, but it's not based on the song at all.

It's raining... A small smile crossed my face. I'd always loved the rain. The way it felt against my skin... that free and relieving sort of feeling, like it was washing away all my troubles. Of course, it's not that amazing when it's pouring down.

I didn't realize that it was going to rain so badly, or else I'd have brought an umbrella. With my schoolbag in my hand, I stepped out into the rain. Maybe it would have been smarter to run, but I just walked at my usual pace. It was only a fifteen-minute walk from the school to my house anyway.

Making my way along the sidewalk, my clothes quickly became soaking wet. Then, the rain suddenly stopped hitting me. I looked around, but it was clearly still raining. My gaze shifted up to see an umbrella over my head. Behind me was the one holding it over me.

"Inuoka? What are you doing here?" I almost asked if he was supposed to be at practice, but then I remembered that they'd canceled the after-school activities because they were worried about the weather getting worse. "Isn't your house in the opposite direction?"

Inuoka nodded. "It is, but I wanted to talk to you and you didn't have an umbrella so I thought I'd share mine."

It was sweet of him to do that for me, but by sheltering me from the rain, he was allowing himself to get wet. If he intended to walk all the way to my home and then all the way back to his, he'd no doubt catch a cold. If he didn't get anything worse.

"Inu... you're getting all wet..." I scolded the boy. "You're going to get sick..."

If he heard me, he didn't show it. Instead, he jumped into telling me all about the practice match the volleyball club had with Karasuno a little while back. Apparently, it had been a lot of fun for him and he'd been so excited to tell me about it. Though until now, he'd never had a chance because we were in different classes.

As he went on talking about it, he was constantly moving his arms around excitedly. In fact, he was moving around so much that I had to hold onto the umbrella, or else it would have been pointless to even have it. He was still going on about it by the time we reached home.

Despite having the umbrella, both of us looked like someone had dropped a swimming pool full of water on us. I was fine since home was right in front of me. Inuoka though, would not be. If he tried to walk back home in the condition he was in now, he'd be sick before he could even get halfway back to the school.

As he turned to walk back, I grabbed his arm to stop him. "Come inside and let your clothes dry." I smiled up at his adorably confused face. "Wouldn't want the volleyball club to get mad at you for getting sick because you were walking around in the rain."

He nodded and smiled before following me into the house. After we were safely inside, I told him to wait by the door as I ran off. I returned shortly after, tossing a towel at Inuoka's head and handing him some clothes to change into.

"I'm gonna go find me some dry clothes," I smiled up at him before pointing at the things I'd given him. "Those should fit you, so wear that while your stuff dries out." He opened his mouth to ask something but I spoke again before he could get a word out. "My parents won't be back until the weekend, so don't worry about anything. We're the only ones here, so you can change wherever."

He said a quick thank-you and I wandered off to my room. After a few minutes of rummaging through my dresser, I finally found something to wear. As I slipped my shirt off, I forgot that I'd left my door open. So when I looked up before I put my new shirt on, my eyes fell on a frozen, red-faced Inuoka standing outside my bedroom door.

Had I been a normal girl, I probably would have screamed or at least shouted at him to get out. But I really didn't mind. We were good friends and I may or may not have had a tiny crush on him. Though it was beginning to make me feel a little awkward with him staring like that.

5... 4... 3... 2... 1... I counted down the seconds until his brain started working again. Once it did, he ran off into the other room. After I'd finished changing, I returned to the other room and saw him sitting on the floor, eyes closed tight and face bright red.

Hearing my footsteps, his eyes shot open and I was hit with a whirlwind of words. Even though I could only pick up some of it, I could tell it was an apology. I just laughed a little. "No worries, Inu." Finally looking him over, the clothes I'd let him borrow sort of suited him. "By the way, you look pretty awesome wearing my favorite shirt."

The next day before volleyball practice...

"Hey Inu!" I waved at the energetic boy who was just about to start volleyball practice. In my arms, I had the clothing that he had forgotten at my place the night before, as well as his cell phone. Not to mention I was also hoping to get my favorite t-shirt back. It was the only I'd had that would have been big enough for him, plus he was one of my best friends, so I didn't mind letting him use it.

He came right over with a slight blush on his face. Must have been remembering when he'd walked in on me. Poor guy might be super talkative, but when it came to attractive girls, he could be quite shy.

"You left these at my place last night," I said, handing him his clothes and pulling his phone out of my pocket. That earned both of us some stares from his teammates. Knowing most of them, they probably thought he got lucky. "And I'd like to get my shirt back sometime. It is my favorite one, after all." Knowing that the others (minus Shibayama) would misinterpret that, I winked at Inuoka. After all, what harm was there in letting his teammates think he got with a cute girl?

"Aww... I was hoping I could keep it..." he smiled. So oblivious... it's too cute. "It was so nice and soft..."

I couldn't hold back a giggle. He was too adorable... and innocent... It actually made me sorry for the barrage of questions he was about to get the second I was gone. "As much as I love ya, I don't love ya that much." Pausing a moment, the image of him wearing it flashed through my mind. "But I must say, you looked really good in my shirt."

Poor Inuoka was going to be put through hell after I left. Though I couldn't say I minded the thought of having done anything with my best friend, even if it hadn't actually happened...  

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