Not Perfect (Kei Tsukishima)

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For some couples, a cuddle and a nap are what they want to do after sex. But then again, that's what normal couples do. For me and Kei, normal isn't what we do. Maybe because I'm far from normal. Throw in his... different... personality, you get a couple that most people just don't understand.

Cuddled up next to him under his blanket, I was comfy and warm. Which was a bit different since I usually dressed myself almost immediately after we were finished since I was one of those types that don't like being naked. And yet in this one moment, I didn't really mind it.

"So... we've still got a couple hours to kill. What should we do?" I hummed with a smile.

He turned his head to look down at me with a fake annoyed expression. "Oh? I was perfectly fine with laying here for the rest of the day. In fact, I could do this forever. But I guess we can do something..." He was being a jerk and we both knew it. But what only we would know is that no matter what terrible things he might say, he never meant them to be hurtful and they were rarely ever serious.

Laughing a bit to myself, I place a quick kiss on his cheek. "Sorry, but I can't be still for more than a few minutes at a time." That was very true; I always rolled around a tone before going to sleep and often found myself adjusting how I sat in a chair. Though that was one thing he'd never really noticed. And before we knew it, we were laying there discussing how we liked to sleep.

After some time, we both sat up. But as for what we'd do, we still hadn't decided. Still though, it was much too early to be going to sleep, so we needed to figure out something. And I wasn't in the mood to lay around cuddling all day. (Though that was what we did almost every other time we spent the day together. Cuddles and movies, that was our normal.)

"Hmm?" he hummed with his usual smirk. "You're still naked? That's gross."

With a playful scowl, I swatted at him. Every time he made some sort of comment like that, I felt I should hit him. I never actually did though. Not unless it was just a playful tap and even then I don't think that actually counts. "So says the one who's naked."

"It's my room, so I'm allowed." Always quick with the comeback. Sometimes it was like he knew what I'd say and already had his response planned before I even knew what I was going to say.

There was no arguing that one. He had every right to be naked in his own room. But then another thought came to me. "Aren't you the one always trying to get me naked?"

He let out a small chuckle. "True."

"I'm gonna put my underwear back on now," I said as I reached over to grab it from the pile of clothing that lay next to his bed. "I feel naked without it."

"That's terrible," he said, but still laughed anyway. Maybe he was laughing at me for making such a bad joke. Or maybe it was even a pity laugh. "You know, you're a real smartass sometimes."

Slipping the piece of clothing on, I threw my arms around his neck. "Only with you," I said, rubbing the tip of my nose against his before giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"Good." Without any sort of warning, I was pushed back down into the bed. Kei placed a gentle kiss on my lips as he stared down from his position above me. "Because I don't want anyone else to know this side of you."

Normally I'd tease him with a comment of my own, but right now, I didn't feel like it. Because once more, I could feel myself falling for him. So instead I hit him with a kiss of my own.

He might not be the best guy out there. He's probably not the smartest. And not the nicest either. He's definitely not perfect... but he's mine. And I can say one thing for sure: I love him and I wouldn't trade him for anything.

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