Misunderstanding (Ryunosuke Tanaka)

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Wizzy: It took a little too long to finish this one, but I like it. I thought it would be fun to have some girl be super pissed at Tanaka for something he didn't even do and then this happened. Oddly though, these two make an interesting couple.

I quickly scanned around the gym, searching for a certain second-year student. He'd picked the wrong little first year to pick on. Oh, I don't mean me, no sir. It'd take some serious guts to mess with me. It was my friend Ami that had been the target.

From what I knew, it had only been once. But anyone who makes my little Ami-chan cry like that is in for a beating. And when I say that, I mean a serious beating. Nobody hurts little Ami-chan and gets away with it.

He was here somewhere, I knew he was. I didn't know his name, but I'd made sure to have Ami point him out to me in the halls. After that, I kept a bit of an eye on him. It was really only enough to know what class he was in and that he was a part of the volleyball club, but that was all I needed.

Soon enough, I spotted him next to a shorter second year that I'd seen him with a lot. "You! Baldy!" I said angrily pointing at him. He and his friend looked up at me in confusion. "I'd like a word with you." Not even waiting for a response, I grabbed the one I needed by the front of his shirt and dragged him out of the gym.

Finally alone, I let go and gave him a push toward the wall. "What did you do to Ami?" I demanded, poking his chest. It actually hurt my finger a bit. Why was his chest so firm? Ooh... maybe he had a lot of muscle... No! Focus!

"I don't know what you're talking about." The poor guy looked a bit scared. But it was probably just an act to make me think he was innocent.

"What. Did. You. Do?" I said even more threateningly, grabbing him and pushing him up against the wall.

He looked a lot more scared now, but he didn't try to fight back. "I didn't do anything!"

With a sigh of annoyance, I began to describe Ami and asked him once more what he did to her. But still, he insisted that he didn't do anything to her. But after a little "convincing" from me, he admitted that he'd said something to her one time. However, the story he told me was nothing like I'd expected.

Apparently, she'd looked like she was lost and he'd merely called out to her. All he was trying to do was help her, but she just started crying and ran away. He claimed that he'd been a bit concerned about it ever since.

Slowly I released him. "I guess I better have a little talk with Ami," I sighed. This had been a real waste of my time. "You got a name?"

"Ryunosuke Tanaka."

"Well then, Ryunosuke Tanaka, I apologize for my actions." I took a few steps back and bowed. This guy was my senpai, so I should at least be a little respectful.

What I hadn't expected though, was for Tanaka to laugh. "You know, you're actually kinda cute when you're not trying to kill me."

Immediately my face felt hot and I punched him in his face for it. Needless to say, he wasn't laughing anymore, though a grin still remained. Maybe he thought saying such a thing had been worth it.

Extended Ending:

"Tsukishima!" Tanaka called out to his first-year teammate. "You know that first-year who came in here earlier?"

The tall boy stared blankly back at the second year. "She's in our class," Yamaguchi answered for him. "Why?"

Tanaka grinned at the two boys. "She's an interesting one. So I thought I'd ask her out."

Tsukishima stared at him for a moment before snickering to himself. "I'll see you at your funeral."

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