Spider Shower (Toru Oikawa)

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Wizzy: So this was an idea I came up with while taking a shower with a spider. Too hilarious not to do. 

When I heard a scream coming from the bathroom, I decided to investigate.

Entering the small room, I saw Oikawa with an expression I had never seen on his face in all the years I'd known him. It was honestly more amusing than I'd thought it would. "What's wrong, Toru?" I asked innocently, though I already had a good idea of what had freaked him out.

"There's a spider in the shower." Yep, I knew exactly what it was. Oikawa pointed at the corner of the shower where a single spider sat. It's not like he was big or anything. It wasn't one of those creepy skinny black ones or one of those fat and hairy ones that make a disgusting sound when you squish them... This was just a simple, brown spider you find anywhere. Legs thin as a piece of thread and a body that was tiny. The least creepy and disgusting of all spider-kind.

"Oh," I laughed a bit at his disgusted face. Unlike Oikawa, I was calm in almost any situation. Unless it involves bees. Then you can bet that I'll be out of there in a heartbeat. "You mean Theo?"

"Theo?" Oikawa had the most hilarious, horrified expression on his face. "You named it?"

It was taking all I had not to laugh right now. "Yeah. We took a shower together earlier, right Theo?"

Ever since I'd noticed the little creature sitting in the corner of the shower, I'd secretly been planning this moment. Just imagining his reaction then had been enough to make me laugh out loud. So instead of throwing water at it to knock it off the wall and letting it be pulled down the shower drain, I left him be. In fact, I even went so far as to imagine what conversations we'd have and I even gave him a name.

Oikawa's face went incredibly pale. So pale that I worried he might pass out. "You'll shower with a spider, but not with me?"

"Yeah, well, Theo doesn't try to grope me every two seconds."

That was it for him. "Get it out of here, now." As I gave in and released my laughter that I'd been struggling to hold back, I reached over to pick up the spider. Though on the way out of the room, I held him out to Oikawa jokingly, earning me a vicious-looking glare from the setter.

I must say, this was the most brilliant idea I'd ever had, and I've had some pretty amazing ones. Of course, the victim of these ideas, Toru Oikawa, would definitely disagree. But I really don't care. As long as I get a laugh from it, right?

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