Learning to Fly (?)

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Wizzy: Here's a little teaser for my newest story that will be coming quite soon. Fans of my Bokuto story, be excited! Lovely little Kisa and the delightful Miku will be making their returns! Perhaps even a guest appearance from Genma in the future!

I've lost count of how many times I've sighed today. The math teacher is the devil, I swear. No normal man would assign problems this confusing and frustrating. It's not that I'm not smart... I'm actually probably the smartest of my friends, though that's probably not saying much... Mayako isn't the brightest crayon in the box and Eri is too boy crazy to pay attention in class.

Both of them were busy today, so I was left to tackle my homework alone. It wasn't like this was that weird, but I always felt a lot less frustrated whenever we could work on our assignments together. Of course, being high schoolers now, things were going to be a lot harder.

Koutaro was off at college now... and honestly, the house was actually quiet without him. Still... I couldn't say that I didn't miss him. He was my brother, after all. Idiot that he was, I still loved him and missed having him around... sometimes.

I'm pulled from my frustrating homework by a thump. At first, I wasn't sure if heard anything at all, but just as I was about to return to my assignment, I heard it again.

Okay, now that wasn't my imagination. I set down my pencil and stood up. I had to find out what had made the noise. Another thump. I moved closer to the front door. The next thump was louder. I was getting close.

Maybe at the front door? It was worth a try. I stopped in front of it, waiting for the next one. In seconds the next thump came... from outside the door. Well, what was I waiting for? I carefully opened the front door... and what I found most certainly wasn't what I had expected.

"Koutaro, I swear if you've somehow managed to turn yourself into an owl, I'm going to leave you in a tree," I said bluntly to the owl sitting on my doorstep.

And no, you didn't hear that wrong. There was most definitely an owl sitting there at my front door.

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